Cameron Olthuis over at Link Building Blog has been pondering the importance of positive comments on social media stories. His take is that even good content can be irreparably wounded by a few negative comments appearing first on its comment thread. We know about the classic social media trait of voting for (or voting down) a story before actually reading it, but I was always of the mind that voters made their decisions from the title, subject and short description of a story. I did not consider the possibility that others' comments made much of a difference.

Whether a comment is "good" or not is also a bit subjective. If the story is about something that really gets people's blood up, the definition of "positive" is harder to determine. For example, stories about Fox News reporting falsehoods and gossip frequently make it onto social news sites and the majority of comments are tirades against the network. They rarely say anything, positive or not, about the actual story that's been submitted.

If an initial comment is negative enough, it sometimes ignites a flame war that seems to attract readers to a story. I'm more likely to take a look at the comments when there are a lot of them, and lots of comments usually indicates a disagreement or two. When readers gang up on an early commenter, they tend to vote for the story out of spite, simultaneously voting down their other person's comment. The mental process here appears to be "I disagree with your negative review of this thing, so I'm going to vote it up just because I can."

Cameron talks about the immaturity aspect of some social media contributors, and it is surely immaturity that makes readers decide what they're going to vote for and what they're going to vote down based on the views of other people.  His advice is to ask your friends to make a few positive comments on stories you submit or have an interest in. I'd go as far as to say that "baited" comments should probably be even more than positive - they should begin a discussion that other readers will feel compelled to join. I know that I'm more likely to vote for something that I've commented on, instead of just clicking through, looking at the external story and then leaving. I'm also more likely to comment if there's already some interesting discussions taking place.

That said, a story whose first comment is "thus story sucks" is already somewhat disadvantaged. A better comment to see would be, "this story sucks because ____." At least then, despite your story being cursed with a negative thread, readers actually have something to talk about.