"Anything with a halfway interesting story about how an upstart like Facebook will beat Google will get listened to if for no other reason than to argue about it." - Robert Scoble

To test Robert's theory and to offer some belated support to his Google killers, we're going to get this party started with the story of a little Korean website that could.

Outside of its native country, there are few people who have heard of Naver, a Korean web portal that launched back in June of 1999. Despite the presence of Yahoo, Google and rival Korean search engines, today Naver is the undisputed king of Korean search, enjoying  +1 billion daily page views and an astonishing +77% search market share. Naver is a David and Goliath story well worth studying and there are bloggers better qualified to talk about the history of Korean search so to cut a long story short, a significant part of Naver's success is derived from two services.

1. Knowledge iN is a 'knowledge search' service - essentially the Korean version of Yahoo! Answers but predating Y! Answers by three years. Users ask questions and other users that answer are rewarded with 'knowledge points'. Its database of over 75 million articles is 10 times the size of the entire Wikipedia database.

2. Integrated search service - there's no doubt South Korea is switched on, boasting an incredibly high broadband penetration rate and a very sophisticated online userbase. However, even Google is irrelevant when there are no documents for Googlebot to crawl and index. Back in the early days of the Korean Internet, there simply were not enough Korean language documents to answer queries so Naver began paying content providers a fee to create a walled garden of content. Seven years before Google or Ask's universal search, Naver was already algorithmically serving up a mash-up of search results from their bucket of 'collection' databases.

Korean web 2.0 observer Chang-Won Kim believes Naver has created a benevolent cycle. Naver, as the go-to guy for both user aggregated content and vendor aggregated content, has made it seamless and natural for South Korean content providers to place all their content on the site.

What can we learn from the South Korean search industry?

Yahoo! In Pole Position For Once?

When Yahoo! Answers launched in December 2005, few analysts foresaw the upside in a Q+A service that tapped into Yahoo's almost half a billion global users. Within two years, Y! Answers has accumulated over 95 million registered users and is one of a few good news stories to come out of Yahoo on a quarterly basis.

Let's not beat around the bush. Like Naver, Yahoo has the 'ecosystem' to make knowledge search THE search experience that online users are looking for. Mahalo provides hand-picked results from a small team of writers, Yahoo Answers provides hand-picked answers from millions of users. Which place would you turn to first, especially if such a search were already seamlessly embedded into your social network (hi Yahoo! 360)? Figure out how to best mash-up Yahoo Answers into Yahoo! Alpha, take it mobile with Yahoo! oneSearch, and we might just have the Naver of the Western world.

Facebook Could Really Kill Hurt Tickle Google

lucas ng is finishing his next SEOmoz post

Okay, snap back to reality.
Yahoo! has thus far sucked at integrating their myriad properties and we also know that Yahoo! 360 hasn't really taken off.

Q+A is a social network. People ask questions and other people answer. At 45 million users, Facebook is a social network that has a critical mass of answerers. While Facebook already has question apps (eg. Slide's My Questions), we're talking about taking it to the next social level where Q+A becomes search.

Picture this - a large search box at the very top of every Facebook page.
Type in a query into the box and you'd be taken to Facebook's very own database of answers (aka search results).
If the database does not provide an appropriate answer to your question, hit the submit button to make your query public and wait for Facebook users to provide the best answer. For example, if you chose to follow a particular category like 'animated movies', you'd be able to see new 'animated movie' questions in your Facebook news feed...

Could you see a better way to procrastinate on Facebook than to help fellow Facebook users while earning yourself some glory?

Facebook's fantastic usability (compared to existing social networks) is a clear reason why they could very quickly own this space despite Yahoo's huge head start and Google's intention to free the 'social graph'. A Q+A service would also mesh well with Facebook's current walled garden philosophy...but the only problem is, and it's a big one, without the benefit of Naver/Google-style content databases, Facebook users would still be relying on Google or another search engine to help reference their answers.

Where does this leave us?

Kill Nothing But Time

Is Facebook an actual Google killer or just an accomplice?
Is Google the next Google killer?
Will Yahoo turn around 360 and make Yahoo! Answers the way to search?

The answer is no current social network has the complete package required to replace Google:

Reach & Scalability = ability to answer long tail questions and provide fast response times.
Usability = robust spam/moderation, ease of contribution.

- Google has search databases (blog, book, maps, video, etc.)
- Facebook has social usability (and ability to wall-in content)
- Yahoo has Y! Answers and, unlike Google, a web portal presence
- Ask used to have Jeeves' answering service (and Google had Google Q+A), but it did not scale well

Think of it this way - today's search engines answer three basic questions:

1. Transactional questions: "Where can I buy the latest Buffy figurines?"
2. Navigational questions: "How do I get to the Toys R Us website?"
3. Informational questions: "What are the operating hours for toy stores in Seattle?"

But there is one type of question that they can not answer.

As Yahoo's Bradley Horowitz said,

"Yet there is a subtle but profound limitation to “web search” as currently realized: search engines can only return results that… well… you know… exist."

Surely a searchable social network-based Q+A service would be able to answer all four types of questions?

Any Questions?