A transition is in effect. The web is maturing and like any form of media that has gone before it that can mean only one thing: That content is now at the epicentre of audience creation once again.
The introduction of Penguin, as we know, is forcing every online business to re-examine how it ‘does’ online marketing and begin looking for ways to grow reputation, reach and visibility via content rather than the link building practices of old.
As Google turns up the algo to promote great content and social gives us all access to the social graph and the network effect it offers there has never been a better time to get your content game in shape and pull together a killer strategy for your brand.
I recently wrote a piece for another digital marketing site that goes into a little more detail around why content is coming to the fore and so for extra context it is certainly worth a read.
In addition to the above theory one thing we do know is that all forms of media before the web have followed the same basic evolution. It starts with obsession about the technology and the iteration of it to a place where the platform has mass media reach. The end game, and the thing that gives the platform longevity, is the content shared on it. Think print, TV and radio and this is true of all of them. We don't get excited about where a paper is printed any more. Instead its about the content that's printed on it.
The web is next and in this post I want to delve a little deeper into how to structure your own content planning to take advantage of this change and maximise the reach and impact of this change.
How to Plan
Stage one of any great content strategy is the plan. Without it you will fail. Without a clear roadmap of the kinds of content you need to produce, when and for whom you’ll quickly become an also-ran.
The question is how do you first understand what you should be creating and how can you structure your plan to cater for the various personas visiting your site?
Firstly you need to understand exactly WHO your audience is. Many people, especially when they start to become more comfortable with content strategies, often overlook this; and it's key to the whole process.
The point is all men and women are not the same. Obvious, right? Well we can all be guilty of treating our audience as the same person with the same ideals, needs and beliefs. Clearly this isn't the case and so it is important to segment your audience in a way that create two, three or four 'types' - all of which get to your product or service in different ways.
To explain this, and the planning process as a whole, I organised a round table catch up (an evening of beers) with some former colleagues of mine from the world of consumer magazines to pick their brains again on the best way to structure and execute your content plan
Their view, and mine, is always to ‘keep your reader as close to you as possible in every decision you make.’
That process must follow the same basic steps:
- Understand your Brand
You cannot begin to talk about personas or content ideas before you truly have your brand values down on paper. Many businesses skip this part but you MUST know exactly what you stand for, your tone of voice, political and social allegiances etc.
To do this you must first map the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors. A simple SWOT analysis works well here as it lets you see easily where you might be able to steal a march and differentiate.
You can then align these strengths and opportunities to your brand values and begin to build a map of what you may want to ‘own’ from a content strategy perspective.
There are lots of tools out there to make this process easier too. SWOT analysis templates are available across the web while Moz's own TAGFEE core values can really help you structure your own mission statement and brand strategy. For those really interested in this area I can whole heartedly recommend spending time reading Michael Porter's work and strategies. His books make for great reading.
With this in place you can then move onto stage two…
- Understand your Audience
The plan to understand your reader is twofold; the first part is to create the ‘Typical Reader’. Here you should be specific and a great example may be:
Steve is 24 and drives a 2006 plate Range Rover Sport and he sees this as being the second most important thing in his life, after his fiancée!
He spends his time and money socialising, discussing sport, music and cars. He drinks Budweiser and occasionally a decent whiskey (as he thinks this is cool). He wears Ralph Lauren shirts but can’t afford to stretch his brand tastes further and so goes with generic jeans and shoes. To him brand is as important as the product, and it influences his buying behaviour.
The process of getting to this point is a post in its own right but the key point is to do your research well. Split it down into two specific parts:
1. Quantitative > Surveys via email and social work well for this. Ask general questions about your product or service so you can get a picture of where it sits in their lives and in their buying cycle. This can lead you to stage two, which is...
2. Qualitative > Customer focus groups, either in a pub or working with research companies and utilising controlled environments helps you to add 'colour' to the picture, enabling you to understand tone and emotive pointers etc.
From this you will usually be able to model your 'typical' client or customer, as above. You'll also be able to understand how to break the audience down into personas, each of which have more specific characteristics and ways of getting to, or interacting with what it is you are selling. For a step-by-step of using data to create them I recommend Mike King's excellent Keyword Level Demographics post.
The next step is then to nail your editorial proposition and to do this you must record your key USPs (things like ‘jargon free advice’ and ‘well written by people who understand the culture and fashions of the market’).
This is a relatively straightforward process and should get you to a point where you can easily sum up your editorial/content persona in the form of a famous person.
This is a really useful way of working as by agreeing that as a brand you are ‘John Wayne’, for instance, it becomes much easier to share tone of voice and attitude across a team, either in house or externally.
While this process is really useful to capture your core values we all know that in reality you have many different types of ‘reader’ and so the process of persona mapping is key to really ensuring your content appeals to your chosen audience.
The process of creating personas is a subject all of its own and this post cannot cover the entire process but several pieces here recently including this one and this one can help you segment your audience in a way that will help you when it comes to pulling together your content strategy.
Let’s assume then that you have followed those tips and have three or four tidy personas in place.
At this point you now have a really clear picture of who you are, your tone and editorial stance. You may even have drawn up an editorial guidelines document to steer the entire team in the same direction.
In short you are more prepared than a cub scout but structure is nothing without great ideas….
- Brainstorm Ideas
Ideas are the lifeblood of any content strategy. Without creativity your content marketing campaign is dead in the water. The good news though is that there are ways that you can make the whole process a little more structured and easier.
It is at this stage you can let your imagination run wild. If you have a team then a couple of hours in a bar or even just outside can produce a long list of crazy content concepts. Of course you don’t have to worry right now about them being realistic or actionable. The key point is to get them down on paper.
One great technique to use in recording and expanding your idea list is the use of mind maps. Bubbl.us is a great tool to use to help you do this.
Tools can help too and below is our top five for helping us isolate content ideas.
This is a great new tool to highlight trending articles and social commentary based on specific keywords. It’s a social search engine and can really help you create news or hot topic led content.
Does a similar thing to Bottlenose but in a less structured but more visually interesting way. Creates a tapestry of related tweets, images, music etc.
A popular tool for expanding on keyword ideas and the concept works well for helping you think more laterally.
A really cool tool by Optimal Social it allows you to find relationships between things that people like. So people that like (insert keyword) also like XXX. This has obvious benefits and can also help with persona creation. Free registration required.
A popular one around these parts and for good reason; it may not be flashy but it does a great job of pulling in content ideas from a number of useful sources into one Google Doc.
Together these and some good old fashion thinking time can produce a great list of ideas, which will then need refining, which brings us onto the next stage.
- Segment your content types and flow
The next step is to begin organising the list you have into content types; working out the best way of presenting that concept for maximum reach.
This is where an understanding of content types comes in and the Content Matrix. This simple yet effective infographic by SmartInsight helps you understand the strengths and weaknesses of the different kinds of content you can create, while also giving you a great starting list of ideas.
It is then useful to segment your ideas into a simple table of types such as this:
- Create your content plan
I wrote this on the YouMoz blog last year as a introduction to content planning and it contains some useful elements around beginning to structure your editorial calendar, or plan, by using key elements.
The key part of the process though is ensuring you achieve the right flow.
Every great content schedule, whether it’s for TV, radio or any other media has peaks and troughs as you must have the small to appreciate the big stuff.
If you examine the very best musical pieces they are built in the same way and you should think of your content plan in the same way.
Create a planner as you wish. The one we use is shown below and captures the following elements. If you want a copy simply email us at infoatzazzlemedia.co.uk and we’d be glad to send you a copy.
The basics are that you segment as you would with a normal calendar with months and weeks. The key is then how you transplant the ideas you have into it.
Alongside ideas we capture key dates in the calendar. So in our example as a fitness website we might include key exhibition dates, official Get Fit weeks, peak times of the season such as January and so on. This work helps us capture the visitor’s general mood and frame of mind too and this helps you create content as a solution.
The key piece is getting the flow right and this is where the work done on content type is important as it enables you to then fill in the weeks with a view on what kind of content will follow each other well.
Timing too is important. Huge amounts of effort and many 'column inches' have been put into measuring and understanding the timing of social media activity and the same is true of other content. During a stint working for the UK's biggest golf media brand we discovered that sending a newsletter on a Friday full of equipment reviews etc worked amazingly well as the 'reader' believed that they were about to shoot the round of their lives that weekend, and wanted all the kit to do it with. Come Monday though reality had set in and so we would send a newsletter full of tips to help them improve!
Dan Zarella's blog is great for insight around social sharing and I would suggest you spend some time here absorbing that data to help you build your own content plan.
The other secret is then creating both ‘big bang’ and smaller regular content ideas and get them to work in unison, but that’s a post for another day.
Simon Penson is MD and founder of Zazzle Media, a UK based content marketing and technical optimisation agency.
The best practice to produce really interesting and unique content - make some research and post it via blog, news sites so on... IMO It's really catchy if used with infographics...
Great post, read this a couple days ago :)
We've discussed various brainstorming ways during myblogguest Twitter chat sessions and have had some cool tips coming up:
For mind-mapping, Trello comes highly-recommended.
Hey Ann. Thanks for getting involved and for the tool shares. Trello I absolutely agree with. It's ace. And advanced search queries rock too. Thanks for sharing.
Great tips Ann. More information to study this holiday! :)
It´s golden! Taking time to read, digest and test here!
Hi simon,
You have produced brilliant content for planning strategy for the content marketing. You have give appropriate info-graphic for the developing content strategy, we have to know about our readers and considering our business we have to develop best content for branding our business. Your content marketing matrix and keyword expander is best.
Glad you enjoyed it Sanket
Nice Post Simon. Thanks for sharing such a great information.
The post was very great..and in the past i dont know about the importance of SEO but now today when i read this post i was quite interesting to read it..and i have acquired enough knowledge by reading this kind of post
Really ultimate post
This is one of the best blog posts I've read in a while. Planning is something I've struggled with in the past, I hastily threw together a site, added a load of content only to realise later that the structure of my site wasn't great and that I needed to change everything. Lots of time wasted and lots of backlinking done in vein to pages I no longer need.
The sites like bottle nose, spezify etc are great resources too. The only one I knew was ubersuggest which is an amazing tool.
I love these types of posts. I've only been doing SEO for a little while and having guides on planning is a big help. Glad to see it got promoted otherwise I fear I would not have found this. Printed and filed ready for use (when I get back from holiday).
If you want to be promote your business online using organic search then you have good quality content and their strategy. After reading this post got a little bit idea for that.
Ok, content planning is just related to Company Brand and target audience, although it depends also on which we want to point out to users reading. Hence
are the key of succes of a good content planning.
[link removed]
Probably one of the most important SEO posts Post penguin - Period. Planning content, understanding your own brand, understanding your readers etc... absolutely perfect.
I recently design my new site and try to add some fresh content you have given really best guidelines on content planning. This will really help me in planning my content strategy.
Sweet Jesus! Why have I been missing half the tools in this post until now! Very thorough and informative, this will help enrich our keyphrase research process even more!
I'm pleased to hear it will help Omid! Let me know if you have any further questions at all.
You should try checking out GatherContent.com - it helps you plan, organise and collaborate on content before it hits the CMS.
Thanks for the awesome post!
Nice post Simon! and thanks for the content planner you sent me!
No problem!
Came in a little late in the game, but thank you so much for this post. It's nice to have a process laid out so well, especially for those of us in agencies who may have to go through this process for several different businesses.
Hi guys. I'm glad it proved useful! Let me know if you need more info. Happy to chat about it.
Thanks Simon
This is a very timely and helpful post for me. It all makes good sense - and reading it makes it harder for me now to skip key steps! For example, I've known about the value of creating audience personas, but have skipped that too often: I will now put some time aside just for that.
The content idea generation tools list is valuable. I will be emailing for a copy of the Zazzle tool!
Thanks Des. I'll be sure to send one!
Thanks - informative article and good infographic.
Love the post. Content planning is key to any website key to having a solid SEO outreach.
Thanks for turning me on to bottlenose. I like the visualization part. Now I've got to figure out the differences between it and HootSuite.
On another note about buyer personas, I've been writing a series of articles on how to do them with examples. Later I'll probably turn them into an eBook. If interested, please check them out at https://www.blumenthaldesigngroup.com/blog/bid/210959/Buyer-Personas-1-Key-to-Your-Lead-Generation-Process-Part-1.
Apologizes for self promotion but I do think this will add to your article.
Thanks for the great post Simon. It's really great to see Content Strategy being embraced by the SEO community! The content ideas resources are brilliant - I'll definitely bookmark for days when I'm short on inspiration. Thanks again.
No problem Alice.
Fantastic post. One of the better ones I've seen on SEOMoz.
Thanks Joel.
I've found learning the most common questions the client is asked by customers can be a good source for content ideas. Google tools and Ubersuggest are awesome for generating content ideas, but I'm looking forward to having a play with SEOGadget’s Content Ideas Generator - thanks for introducing me to that one!
Ouch! Simon I am sorry that I missed this awesome post... what you put together here is actually awesomeness in to words...
Love the way you take readers from understanding a brand and audiences till the finally stage of content planning.
Especially love the tool you mentioned for brain storming.. I will surly going to give Bottlenose a try!
Great stuff overall...
Thanks Moosa!
Thanks Simon for sharing this info. Great piece of advice, which I passed over to one of my trainees at work. And I agree with the point mentioned above: every strategy needs a good plan and outlined calendar.
Thanks again and cheers from Germany Sven
No problem, glad it is of use. And appreciate the thumbs up!
Hi Simon, you're welcome and that's the great thing about the Moz community. People are always helpful and share their knowledge. :-) Just dropped you an email for a copy of the planner.
Well done, Simon. This is the kind of post that adds a ton of value to both SEOs and traditional marketers who are trying to understand this seemingly new push towards "content marketing". What's great about your post is that you outline more of systematic approach to getting started with developing a content strategy - awesome stuff for anybody trying to figure how to get started. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks David. The post was designed to promote efforts to move 'SEO' into a world where it can be perceived as a legitimate and highly skilled facet of the marketing mix. Because it is. Lots of exciting stuff ahead of us I think...!
Great post Simon. I have found some clients who are experts and heavily integrated in their niche often overlook a lot of the planning outlined here and dive head first into content as they assume they understand the market completely. Understanding that your audience may not necessarily be looking for the same as you, or at the level you are at etc is important in producing the right content. I think you articulate the need for persona building nicely and offer some good tips which I will definitely be using in the future. As an added bonus their were also a couple of tools I hadn't used before in the post :-)
Hey Andy. Thanks for taking the time to respond and for the reasoned and educated comment. Hope the tools come in use!
As a content strategy plan your article is quite good. Well laid out, some basics, some more "advanced" stuff, bit of keyword research ...
I have a problem with your opening line.
For example: "As Google turns up the algo to promote great content and social".
So content is King once more?
For the last 6-7 years, that I have been in the game, I have seen a number of google updates, a loot of: "AAA the sky is falling" and as a universal solution: "Content is King".
The game has changed over the years, it evolved, got a bit harder but the basics stayed the same.
Hi. Thanks for your comment. I don't disagree that the old stuff still works and don't suggest anywhere that it doesn't. The point of this is simply to help people prepare for what we all agree is a content led future.
The industry and Google itself promotes this but that transition will not happen overnight. Major change takes time but we can be left in no doubt that recent algo updates are designed to applaud and promote great content.
Sorry, I responded from one of our other Moz accounts! It was actually from me. The same applies for your comment also Andy. Thanks again.
Great post, not only for starters, also for those who are in lack of ideas. I didn't know, untill now, about the tools to expand your ideas and keyword range to target your audience. Many business will apreciate at its real value this post.
This post also gave me a business idea. Why not to use these methods to help others...
Let's hope that idea takes off!
nice collection of information. I like the tool - ubersuggest.org and bottlenose.com to search content. both are very useful and handy tool for me.
Thanks. Both tools are good and there are a lot more out there too. Social graph should offers us all a short cut to great content ideas and make reverse engineering great content much easier.
Great post, I especially liked the line "you MUST know exactly what you stand for, your tone of voice, political and social allegiances etc." because SO many people over look this. Not only do they over look things like tone of voice but no one really realizes that you have to have a clear understanding of what kinds of social/political issues you are going to get involved with. Even with so many people being social these days they fail to see that this is something you must think about if you're going to be apart of social media and the social world, or else you might find a major crisis management situation on your hands. Thanks for the awesome post!
Hey. Thanks for the comment. The thing that really excites me about the reaction to this is the fact that there is so much thirst and demand for the more traditional marketing skill sets in the digital space now. That means that long term 'SEO' will grow into a full marketing discipline and will attract the talent and investment that it deserves.
Simon, this post rocks! Although you would think that content planning would be a no-brainer, I think too many create a strategy and execute without putting everything in place. I particularly loved the part about knowing your audience. I've read too many blog posts that suggest the author has no idea who he/she is speaking too.
I'll also vouch for Bottlenose, we use that tool to help with brainstorming topics in particular industries that can be tricky for guest blogging.
Thanks, we shared this on our FB page!
Thanks guys. Appreciate the feedback and the share. The audience understanding piece is absolutely critical and it is also where traditional marketing skills can really help. And for me it's awesome that digital marketers can start thinking about that now.
*cough* *cough* promote to the moz blog *cough* *cough*
Who am I to argue:) cc @seomoz :)
Great post Simon!
I had never heard of Spezify and Bottlenose, so thanks for pointing these out.
Here are some other tools I use:
Google Analytics - see what your users are already searching - there are likely many ideas to expand on
Google Adwords Keyword Tool - If you are logged in, Google will show you Ad group idea. These groupings and keywords could provide even more ideas
SurveyMonkey Audience - Create a survey and purchase a demographically targeted audience to answer your questions
Quora - Questions that people are asking in your niche could be expanded into content pieces
Yahoo Answers - Yes, there is a lot of garbage there, but these are questions people need help answering. A well researched article could be a better resource for user queries than the types of answers found on Yahoo Answers
LinkedIn Q&A - Same as Quora and Yahoo but in some other niches
Some great additions there so thanks for sharing
Ideas are the lifeblood of any content strategy - Quote of the day :) That's the point. For instance, the more the people are concentrating on SEO and thousands of different strategies, the more they forget about creating unique content.
Nevertheless, great post and thank you very much, simon! :)
No problem!
Thanks for the article. I have learnt many things with it. I didn't know about bottlenose and other links you posted here so I will read it again a few times to understand all. Thanks!
Thanks for reading.
Nice Post. Planning is really a crucial step before even expanding the scope of your content. The juice is: Everything that comes after and during the process are all based on the plan. So one slight mistake, everything goes back to the plan. So content planning is very important.
The steps presented are really reliable.
First impression - very useful.
Then I searched the page for the word "budget". It's not present. And there lies the problem...
From a year ago: https://www.portent.com/blog/internet-marketing/content-marketing-good-enough-isnt.htm
Side by side the articles make far more sense because campaign ownership and responsibility is important. Does the person creating the strategy have the weight within the company to execute it?
Hi Andrew. Consistent delivery is what content planning is all about and as part of an investment in content there should be a clear agreement of who is responsible for that delivery.
A stuttering strategy is never going to work.
Budget is key yes, but idea generation can often make up for lack or money, or the 'boring industry' syndrome that stops so many from doing it. Ideas are the key not cash....(although clearly cash helps with reach)!