- WebCreme - I first noticed webcreme after they featured SEOmoz in their showcase. They don't post a large volume of sites, but the sites they do post are usually top notch.
- CSS Beauty - A winner in our web 2.0 awards, CSSBeauty is a showcase with tagging and categories to help you narrow down what kind of sites you want to see.
- CSSMania - I hadn't heard of cssmania until it featured both SEOmoz, the Web 2.0 Awards, and my personal blog. CSSMania is updated daily with a large list of css-driven sites and also features a rating system.
- CSSRemix - A newer CSS showcase, simple and easy to peruse.
- CSS Zen Garden - The ultimate css inspiration. If you have your doubts about the flexiblity of using CSS over traditional HTML, check these guys out.
UPDATE - I almost forgot, tomorrow is CSS Naked Day. Unfortunately SEOmoz won't be participating simply because I think it would confuse and scare our users, but it's a cool idea anyhow.
The biggest list of CSS galleries so far:https://www.stonesouptech.com/blog/2009/09/a-more-complete-up-to-date-list-of-css-galleries/
Another new css gallery : https://www.cssdsgn.com
Only showcasing well designed css websites
Wow what a great collection of galleries. As a beginner with CSS these are super useful. Thanks again and keep up the great work @ the Oatmeal (one of my favorite webcomics)
This is an oldie but a goodie. Am off to check if these sites still exist and if they can still provide me with useful inspiration
I once curated a giant list of sites like this on my own website, but it's just impractical to maintain it. From an SEO perspective, an attractive lick of paint on a website can be excellent linkbait if you're patient enough to submit to them all.
Thank you very much for this information.
I didn't have much to say when you first posted your inspirational list (since I already had most of them bookmarked), but today I was looking for some CSS inspiration which I could add to my CSS collection. Guess who was at 2nd spot for that search...
Excellent List Oatmeal ;)
also one more CSSDrive.com
Thanks guys. I went and signed up on www.w3csites.com and now both my blog and seomoz are on their home page. Hooray :)
And to save you adding every single feed to your RSS reader, I've built a service to index them all together :)
This is a new css site: https://submitcss.com
Great list Oatmeal!
Here's a few more to add to your list
Css Vault Css Reboot Screen Spire - My personal favorite Design Shack Css Import W3c Cmopliant Sites Css Liquid - All elastic width Style Gala