At the behest of an innocent poster (eKstreme), who surely had no idea what was in store once Bill got hold of the thread, asked for a reading list of papers and patents:
Hi, I'm looking for a list of papers and patents related to SEO. I'm bored and in need of a good reading list. Know where I can get hold of one? Cheers!
Bill's 3-page long response has to be one of the finest conglomerations of Google-related search engine research papers to be compiled in the last few years. Great work as always Bill - and kudos for throwing it up on Cre8asite rather than at your blog (which is what I would have done).
Funny, eKstreme. That's the phrase that entered my mind when I started to answer you. :)
Thanks, everyone, for your kind words. Hopefully I can add a couple of followup posts in the near future with some additional resources.
I might even put some of them on my blog, Rand.
It's a great list, well worth bookmarking by everyone.
A quote springs to mind in response to "at the behest of an innocent poster (eKstreme), who surely had no idea what was in store once Bill got hold of the thread..":
Be careful what you ask for: you just might get it!
Extraordinary list of valuable information. I've studied a bit of what Bill published (found out about it through him, of course) and have been able to observe certain critically effective areas for better rankings.
I've only scratched the surface. Lots to review.
Is there a nobel prize equivalent for seo research? I'd nominate Mr Slawsky!!!!