I recently read Nudge (Amazon US & Amazon UK), a book that got quite a bit of press coverage here in the UK after inspiring some political decisions on both sides of the floor.
Its core premise is that human decisions are not taken on pure economic terms (though economic factors do play a large part as presented in books such as Freakonomics and The Undercover Economist) (*).
The authors introduce a concept of choice architecture which is defined as differences in the way that decisions are structured or presented that can change the outcomes even while having no (or negligible) impact on the economic preferences of the chooser. The simplest examples of this that stuck in my mind were:
- research has shown that people choose different amounts of dessert depending on where it is positioned relative to other food in cafeterias. There is no particular rational reason why you would want to eat more dessert depending on where it is positioned (indeed most of us would probably like to think we were immune to such manipulation) but it's apparently a widespread effect
- employees apparently save more as a proportion of their salary when paid every other week versus being paid monthly - even when their salary remains the same on an annual basis. The hypothesis presented for this effect is that people still budget monthly even when paid bi-weekly and therefore when they get two months a year with 3 payments they largely put them towards savings. Interestingly, I believe it much more common to be paid every other week in the US than the UK where salary payments are almost universally made monthly as far as I know (and where the tax system is set up to work that way)
Note that in most of these cases we cannot choose not to create a choice architecture. We have to present the choice somehow (assuming we are going to offer dessert in our cafeterias and that we are going to pay our employees!) and therefore we can't choose not to nudge and we must simply decide how to nudge.
So what has this got to do with SEO?
Well, as I was reading the book, I couldn't help referring their thoughts to my experiences. These are inevitably about business or SEO and so I thought I would write a post to outline the main themes of the book and highlight where I thought the ideas could be applied to SEO or SEO businesses. Since so many are about human weaknesses (or at least human effects) I have applied some to conversion rate optimisation (which is an important consideration when talking about traffic from search) since the search engines are generally not susceptible to human-based nudges. If you are concerned about manual reviews, I expect there is a lot you could think about to help nudge a human reviewer into giving your site a positive review, but that's a subject for another day.
Before I get into that, I thought I would introduce one of the provisos the authors mention. They say that they believe in what they call Libertarian Paternalism. As they acknowledge, one or other of those words is pretty much guaranteed to annoy you (which one will depend on your politics!). Their view is that nudges shouldn't incorporate the removal of any options (the 'Libertarian' part) - so if we are nudging someone towards a decision we believe will be good for them (as they argue we should - the 'Paternalism' part!) we should still allow them to make 'poor' decisions if they wish.
It strikes me that this is a kind of unenforceable guideline and in reality we are simply better prepared by thinking about the effectiveness of a nudge than about whether it is libertarian or paternalist. Does this make me a black-hat nudger?
Without further ado, here are the main themes from the book and my thoughts on their application to SEO and SEO businesses:
More choice = better?
There has been a widespread movement (particularly in the public sector) to believe that more choices are always better than fewer choices. This comes from the economic argument that since any larger set of choices includes all the options you had under a smaller set of choices you can't possibly be worse off (since you can still choose any of the old options) and so you must be at least as well off (and possibly better off) with more choices.
Nudge argues that this isn't actually in keeping with human nature and that in fact people can be overwhelmed by choice and either choose to do nothing or choose poorly when presented by many options.
The first of many human frailties presented in the book, anchoring comes from the tendency of the human brain to grasp for patterns. Even when we know full well that a number is random, it can have an effect on our estimates of other numbers. For example, if you ask someone the last three digits of their credit card number and then ask them to estimate some other number that falls in a similar range (such as the year of Attilla the Hun's attack on Europe), people with higher numbers at the end of their credit card (e.g. 987) guess higher than those with lower numbers (e.g. 123) even though any rational person knows full well that there is no relationship between the two numbers.
Using this information
I imagine that this kind of psychology knowledge could help make linkbait more effective. There are many forms of linkbait that rely on some element of discovery or surprise. By initially anchoring expectations in a different direction, the surprise experienced when the actual answer is revealed can be heightened. Since surprise is a common reason for passing along content ("did you know?"), this increases the linkability. Next time you are writing something a bit surprising as linkbait, try anchoring expectations in a different direction first.
It is a well-known negotiating ploy to get someone thinking about a particularly high number before (pleasantly) surprising them with a number much lower (but still perhaps high). I'll leave you to construct your own ways of using that information! As you do so, remember another effect which comes from framing. People generally behave differently to one price option being "premium" versus the other compared to the second option being "discount" versus the first. The prices could be exactly the same, but the way they are framed can cause real effects.
One other area where I think it is important to think about this is in time estimation. We are all bad at estimating time I think. Whether talking about development resource or time for effects to be realised, we need to know that the other person's expectations are affected by anchoring. If you want a generous estimate, get them talking about something that's going to happen next year before asking how long it will take. If you want an ambitious estimate, talk about what you're doing this evening. If you want an accurate estimate, um, well, don't we all?!
People tend to over-weight things close at hand (whether it be personal experiences over those they have heard about or more recent events over older ones).
Using this information
When trying to get someone to do something (whether it be link to you or buy something from your website) you would do well to get them in the frame of mind of a time they did something similar and it went well. In linkbuilding terms, this might be mentioning another outbound link they have on their site already that is similar to the one you seek. In CRO terms, it might be designing your UI to resemble bigger more popular online stores that everyone has experience of using.
Remember that the weight people put on experiences tends to decrease as you move from experiences they had to experiences their friends had to experiences they just heard about. This is why trials and low-commitment business tactics work well - once people have tried something first-hand, they are far more likely to trust statements made about it than they were before trying it.
An unwieldy name for an unwieldy concept. This is the common error that says that if you have in your mind what a class of things should "look like" then anything that "looks like" that description is likely to be classified by your unconscious mind as being one of those things. The most famous experiment demonstrating this bias is as follows:
"Linda is 31 years old, single, outspoken, and very bright. She majored in philosophy. As a student, she was deeply concerned with issues of discrimination and social justice and also participated in antinuclear demonstrations".
People were presented with that description and then asked to estimate the probability of possible futures for Linda. Included in the list of options were "bank teller" and "bank teller active in the feminist movement". Many people apparently ranked the second as more likely than the first (despite the obvious logic mistake preventing that possibility).
Using this information
I haven't really thought of any good applications of this bias. I'd be interested to hear yours in the comments. One other common manifestation of the representativeness bias is the inability for many to believe that outcomes of many things are random because they don't 'look' random. This has an impact on the presentation of data in reporting. It is important that you give clients or bosses tools for assessing real trends in numbers like conversions or traffic because otherwise there will be a strong chance that random fluctuations will be seen as real trends - causing painful future issues!
Optimism and confidence
People are generally more optimistic about their own future than they should be. When asked the chances of their business failing and about the chances of "businesses like yours" failing, business owners tend to give drastically different answers (sometimes as much as 0% vs. 30% when asked about the next year).
Using this information
This is more one to avoid common pitfalls over (like the representativeness bias) than one where I have come up with good 'uses'. Remember that bosses and clients will believe their project / linkbait / website implementation will have a greater chance of success than equivalent projects even with no good reason. Beware!
Gains vs. losses
It is quite well known that most people fear losses far more than they value gains (compulsive gamblers can sometimes be found swapping these two traits).
Using this information
This effect leads to an even more powerful one which is a preference for the status quo (no, not necessarily a preference for Status Quo). It is only one of the reasons why people prefer things to stay the way they are (simple inertia being one other). But it leads to powerful effects - if you can just get someone to take an action that changes the default then it is likely that you will continue to benefit.
In linkbuilding - if you can convince someone to put a link somewhere for a short period of time (perhaps while a topic is particularly relevant or *gasp* with a one-off incentive) then it is very likely that link will remain there for some time. Equally if someone subscribes to an email list or starts a subscription, they will tend to remain on it for longer than they might have guessed they would.
Mental accounting and fungibility
I love the word 'fungible'. It has nothing to do with mushrooms. It is a property of things (like money) where any one is as good as any other (you have no rational reason to prefer one $20 bill over any other $20 bill). Despite being aware of this, many people don't treat money as being fungible. They mentally account for things ("the money in that account is for my rent, while the money in my wallet is for dinner") - many people are amazingly reluctant to take money from the wrong account even for very short periods of time.
Using this information
When trying to get people to give you money, you want them to be buying your service from one of their bigger 'mental pots' of money. When you're selling SEO, you are often far better getting a piece of the PR or advertising budget than you are just making an argument that there should be an 'SEO budget'.
In a similar way, you may have more luck getting a link from a page that doesn't have advertising on it than one that does (while the two are relatively fungible to you, the seller may think of them differently).
Priming and the measurement effect
Much like the anchoring bias discussed above, people behave differently if you simply ask them in advance what they intend to do. Asking people the day before voting day if they intend to go to the polls tomorrow increases the chances that they actually will.
Using this information
Charities know this effect well - many donation requests are preceded by questions about how much you care about different issues. If you are in a situation where this would work in your favour when linkbuilding, it can be a very effective tactic. Start a relationship with a survey and follow-up with a request (where one of the survey questions asked if they would do the thing you then request). This only works if they feel they "should" do it - use sparingly! I think it is closely related to the herd effect where people want to do what others are doing.
You can use the herd effect through social reinforcement in so many ways. It is why signs of others having liked a story make it more likely to be shared by others. You could consider this the next time you are embedding social bookmarking buttons on a post. At the white end of the scale, make sure you don't include any that will make you look unpopular. At the darker end of the scale, have a think about what might make you look more popular.
Tendency to balance options
Apparently people tend to balance options put in front of them - if you ask someone the proportion of their savings to put into stocks and the proportion into bonds (simplified example) they will tend to go for a 50:50 split, but if you instead ask the proportion to put into US stocks, UK stocks and bonds, they will tend to go for 1/3 in each. Weird huh?
Using this information
I think this has more applications on the business side of things. When you are discussing budgets, be aware that this is going on. For those who don't naturally allocate much to SEO, try to present it alongside a big budget item (such as design and development of a new site) rather than as one item among many (design, development, testing, PR, PPC etc.).
I'll end with a brief summary of when Nudges work best. They work least well when presented with a decision that we make regularly for small stakes and understand well (and where the reward / cost comes close to the point of decision). It's hard to Nudge someone to choose a flavour of ice cream they like less over one they like more. Nudges work best in the opposite case - decisions we make rarely for large stakes without understanding them well and where the benefits are not felt for some time after the decision point - this is when we don't get good / immediate feedback about our decisions (or don't get a chance to practice) and so we fall back more on our 'gut feeling' - which is very "nudgeable". Notice how much this sounds like the typical board / CEO making decisions about SEO spending!
As with so many things, Homer said it best (from p.140 of my copy of Nudge):
Canyonero salesman: Okay, here's how your lease breaks down. This is your down payment, then here's your monthly, annnnnnnnnd, there's your weekly.
Homer: And that's it, right?
Canyonero salesman: Yup.... oh, then after your final monthly payment there's the routine CBP, or Crippling Balloon Payment
Homer: But that's not for a while, right?
Canyonero salesman: Right!
Homer: Sweet!
I hope you've found this interesting. I was fascinated by the ways we all trade off non-economic things in our decision-making. I'd be interested in hearing others' examples in the comments below and also other applications of Nudges in SEO or CRO.
(*) note that I don't think anyone is these days claiming the early economic arguments that everything is evaluated in financial cost / benefit trade-off terms. Rather the argument goes that people have their own definitions of 'utility' which can change depending on mood, current situation etc. and that they generally act to maximise utility. What Nudge is saying is that you can even go beyond this and find differences in decision-making out of proportion to the utility differences (or even where there is no measurable difference in utility).
I may have to pick up this book along with "Predictably Irrational", which I put on my reading list immediately after seeing the TED Talk "Are we in control of our own decisions?"
(note: I have no stake in anyone buying that book, I was just really impressed by the TED talk!)
Great Post.
Fascinating comments Will - I might have to read the book myself now!
I found the comment about those with a gambling physche more likely to embrace risk especially interesting - what if you were doing SEO/PPC for a gambling niche site? Perhaps you could leverage your users' risk loving side in some way?
Will, thanks for some timely reminders and some new ideas to chew over, particularly with usability.
Just to confirm one of your points, I spent a couple of years running online fundraising for one of the big UK charities (Christian Aid), and the two things we always concentrated on were Priming and Scale:
'Do you care about this? Ok then you also care about this...' followed by 'Here's what your donation of £xx can achieve'.
Not rocket science, but very effective.
At the risk of starting a Homer Simpson quote-fest (you started it Will!):“That made my brain hurt! Can you say that in a way that’s less painful?”
on behalf of everyone here - I back up the d'oh comment fully.
Ive skimmed over the first screen and a bit, and I think Im in need of a coffee before attacking the rest of this monster!
Yup - this is one of the longest most complex postings I've seen and my head is spinning too.
The reference to Freakonomics is a good one - Stephen Levitt talks a lot in it about how dreadful people are at decision making on an economic basis - just look at how many lottery tickets are purchased for a great example of that. Anyone here who hasn't read it ought to I believe, as it tells you a lot about the decision making process, and you need to understand that to understand how to make a call to action on a page work.
Ordering a copy of "Nudge" ;)
As a regular reader of Scientific American MIND magazine, it's nice to read an article about SEO with (mostly) tangible applications rather than the regular hypotheticals that tend to fill SEO site blog postings.
I loved this post Will.
There are some great tips in there for when you're trying to sell to clients - 'fungibility' is a really interesting concept.
Nudge is definitely going on to my reading list.
Blimey, this post is epic. And complex. I think I understood part of it! For instance the part about people liking interfaces that remind them of bigger branded stuff (excuse the laymens terms here).
But a lot of this went over my head... don't suppose you would break this down into easier chunks for us all?
Nice summation Will!
As I see it, the interesting point of the book is the effect of marketing ploys on the consumer. You talk about the "more choice = better? concept" - which I assume was ironic, seeing as how you have so many damn after that ;) - but the important factor in this section is that SEOs have known for some time that users prefer fewer choices. I'm under the impression that users pick a result from the top 5 even though they get ten in the first page and countless more results further down the line. Worse, some users stop after the first 5 results, then try their search using different terminology. So choice plays a huge factor in Search and controlling users' choices is quite a strong tactic.
According to the theory, in any sale or argument, given fewer options, users are more likely to react based on 'nudge', rather than thought. The lesson here seems to be that items that have shown a higher purchase rate will probably perform better in a smaller selection than in a larger selection. (Hmm, I think this means I'll be cutting down my video game collection.)
Next, I wanted to approach gains vs. losses. For some reason this reminds me of the Video Only radio-ad that always ends with "Shop at Video Only ...or you'll be sorry!" or something to that effect. Meaning simply that the consumer can choose not to go to Video Only, but doing so would be a loss. I'm not sure the ad drove good results, but I haven't heard it in a long time. This certainly fits with the information you've supplied.
Personally I felt somewhat offended/annoyed by the ad. The assumption that I had been making choices this whole time without considering their company was offensive. I had never considered Video Only when doing shopping comparisons and apparently because of this fact I was a 'loser' and should feel sorry for myself. So forcing a consumer into the gain vs. loss mentality can be tricky. That win:non-lose proposition is a hard to balance.
And now for representative-ness. A good application would be an advertising deception technique. Correlate a few generalized facts about a user and then throw in one odd piece. With Linda, you had a smart woman who was passionate about discrimination and social justice, with a philosophy background. Yet people felt she should be a banker because she would be a "banker who cares about women's rights".
For the generalized consumer market you could associate any general facts you know about a consumer and then give them two or three options associating pieces of their persona with a product.
Here's my attempt at an example: A 31 year old father goes shopping for a grill set. The options he is given are the Man's Grill Set, The Family Grill Set, and The Ladies Grill set. In this scenario there are two likely options for him, The Man's and the Family. But suppose he's a frequent user of your online store. You know that he associates himself more as a family man than as a dude with kids and a wife. My proposed result for this scenario is that he picks the Family Grill Set. So with this knowledge you can dynamically change the products around to focus him in on the Family Grill Set, move the prices around, throw in a coupon/discount, and optimize for the Family Grill set, ensuring a sale. Or at least increasing the odds of conversion.
Very interesting post. Almost all decisions that people make are emotional when it boils down to it -- evenly those supposedly hard-nosed business decisions.
Moreover, those decisions are made very quickly, in seconds. All that happends afterwards just reinforces those decisions or manages to persuade the the decision maker that it was a bad idea!
This is a fantastic review. It turns out that you could very comfortably manipulate or Nudge people to make decisions which could be in their favour. I have been studying this topic since quite long, I have read decision making, persuasion, influence and then I came across the subject of Behavioral Economics. What I found out was that there are various such traits that we human have which could be altered for both good and bad purpose.
Some other meterial that would help you are Predictably Irrational, Stumbling Upon Happiness, Prospect Theory (the Gains Vs Losses thoery is the study by Khenamen who got Nobel Prize for his paper).
Here is another link about "How Obama Used the Science of Change" on TIMES. This would help you understand how these theories are practically being used.
Great article Will. Really helps point out that positioning isn't just a conversion architecture idea or ideal.
Your useful musing -
When trying to get people to give you money, you want them to be buying your service from one of their bigger 'mental pots' of money. When you're selling SEO, you are often far better getting a piece of the PR or advertising budget than you are just making an argument that there should be an 'SEO budget'.
- is a real game-changer for most people who read this I expect - especially during this economic climate when it seems nearly everyone "knows they need SEO" which roughly translates into "if I don't do something about my website, I'm going to get left behind" but they lack the knowledge base to spend what it's going to take to do things right.
I agree with you that developing a new budget for SEO sounds like you're asking the client to create an entirely new department within the company - suggesting that they reallocate spending from a larger budget makes this an easier conversation for everyone.
Well done. Sold the book too.
Although many of the concepts are very general, I do find the fungibility concept fascinating to online retailing ; particulary when it comes to payment methods.
It reminds me of another fascinating book I read recently, Neuro Web Design , which covers similar physcological factors.
I can see some of these tools being employed as a way to bolster calls-to-action. Like the one about budgeting out decisions. I can see the end of a really well written SEO post being summarized with "how much do you care?" or a "how much is this worth to you?" followed by a "Click Here to Contact Our SEO Professionals."
That's how I anticipate being able to use some of this great summary. Thanks for the post.
I can definetly see the corrolation from the topics in the book to SEO.
Look at the topics...
Good Article!
I echo kpaulin there... very interesting, but difficult to stay with you while trying to do the day job.... now... where are those Neurofen?
Interesting - but doesn't "Libertarian Paternalism" cancel itself out?
So basically, an orderly, well designed site that makes the point without too much clutter and too many choices still seems to be the best rule.
Yup that's the best rule, fusure, but you can see that the devil's-in-the-details of that statement - I fight with this every day with clients and marketing people from all sizes of organizations. Some of those questions invariably are:
Orderly and well-designed by which standard - dev? UX? content? Google? design? by whose standard - the client's? the industry's? Mine?
Making which point / whose point about message? brand? users? reputation? etc., and where and when in the process - is it upfront of the cafeteria line or at the end - and who takes a backseat organizationally? and will that stunt enterprise buy-in?
Perhaps in the end it's all about the #Longtail as #Chris Anderson has suggested - effectively mapping who you are serving and what the niche is will ultimately be a better guiding principle for design and organization than any other starting point- managing the information such that you can and will anticipate the user's needs creates the gravitas that builds the network of users.
I couldn't digest the whole thing in 1 go. Maybe break articles of such length down into multiple posts in future?
Good post so far!
Good job you didn't buy the book then - it's even longer :)
Seriously though - I wasn't intending it being this long when I started out. Feel free to bookmark it and return to it a couple of times. I think I probably should split this kind of thing up into more pieces (also I appear to have made some people's heads hurt - see above - sorry about that!)
Holy mega-post Will-man! Feel free to bookmark it and return to it a couple of times. I haven't finished reading this fascinating post yet, but I think I see a nudge in the above sentence worth reacting to!
recently i wrote an article on https://issupport.wordpress.com/2009/07/23/start-panic-and-how-it-works/ basically it steals your browsing history using a css hack but what i find interesting about the site is that its very linkbait to me. it promotes fear or "panic" about the security hole in an effort to spread word about the service and try and get it patched. to me its almost social engineering to create linkbait, anchoring and other tricks use psychology to nudge them into your way of thinking