I’m sure many of you are like me and one of the first things you do in the morning is head to SEOmoz and check out the blogs. Along with seeing the new posts, I'm also always checking out my MozPoints and watching them grow, or shrink sometimes.
In one of my past posts I did a case study of MozPoints and a few members discussed how they would like to see real-time related graphs of their MozPoints over time. That time is now, I would like to introduce a new little side project I’ve been working on, Mozpoints.com.
Mozpoints.com started out as a way for me to see who is moving and shaking things at SEOmoz without having to read everything and try to remember who said what. On the main page of the site you will see it shows the “movers and shakers” for three different time periods, daily, weekly, and monthly. It also shows some thumbing and comment stats for the time period also.
Entering your SEOmoz username or click on someone’s name will display a graph of their MozPoints. Currently the graph only displays the lasts 30 days worth of information, but once more data is collected and stored, a new feature will become available to change the time period. When hovering over a data point it will display a few important pieces of information, number of points, rank, number of comments, and number of posts. MozPoint data is updated every night so this data in not exactly real-time, but close enough.
Another great little feature is the dynamic badge for your website. This badge is much like the original that SEOmoz offers but with a new feature that self-updates your rank at SEOmoz.
I hope that this is something that the SEOmoz community will enjoy and use. I’m hoping to hear suggestions from all of you and make this community grow and connect. If you have any suggestions or ideas for MozPoints.com please feel free to contact me via SEOmoz or leave them in the comments.
Special thanks to Danny for giving me the idea via his comment on my previous post.
I'd give you a thumb up but you're such a little rank whore I hate to encourage you ;P
Nice work. Now how in the heck are you going to top this?
What until you see my next two posts I'm working. One should be out soon and I'm collecting data for the next one. Thumbs up for you though. =)
All right fine, but I think I'm contributing to an addiction. We may be forced to hold a Moz Rank intervention... I'm just saying....
Hehehe, you may be right. Where do they send someone with a MozRank problem?!? I hope it's somewhere warm with lots of booze. =)
LOL! This just made me giggle outloud in the SMX speaker's room. Now they all think I'm crazy... thanks sly-grrr! ;)
I'm gonna get a shirt that says,
"Please don't offer me thumbs up, I'm a recovering Rank Whore!"
What I really want to know is how to be a "Rank Pimp" like chenry.
Sounds like a rap song, "Rank Pimpin'..."
how bout "i cant let my thumbs fall below 100 or i loose my juice"
Sign me up for a "Rank Pimp" shirt. =)
Hehe, you're really addicated to mozpoints!
Nice addition, thanks for taking the time to put this together for the community.
Yes, thanks. Of course, I still want an easy way to track the thumbs up/down on comments (without having to visit each comment) but this is still better than nothing - so thanks.
Now I have to start posting/commenting more often to raise my own stats. I can't let neopunisher out comment me - it will go to his head (wink-wink, nudge-nudge)
Love it, but unfortunately it just highlighted the fact that i have been lazy in the last month. :(
Actually, we're now analyzing the information we gathered in the previous age :)
NB: this comment was meant for the comment above! I clicked to wrong reply button. Seomoz: Where is the delete function?
Now that my MozPoints are no longer publicly viewable, I think they're silly and anyone who cares about them is a loser ;)
Seriously, I'm a little worried about you, but the project is still pretty cool. A year ago, I would've been checking your site every 5 minutes.
I should thumb you down for making fun of my/our problem but since your MozPoints don't matter, I'll let you be.
Looks like someone thumbed him down for you : )
(not me)
I forget that not everyone is aware of my past Mozpoint addiction :)
For the record, I was just kidding. I love Casey's MP tool and am just jealous that I can't use it anymore.
good stuff, I already have the original SEOMOZ badge on my website, but will change it with this one.
Oh, great. Now I'm addicted to this thing and put it on my two blogs.
@my friend Sly-grr: I wasn't a rank whore (ok, maybe a little) but this has made me a screaming crank rank whore, turning tricks on SEOmoz.
Should we start a RA - Rankwhores Anonymous.
Me: "Hi, my name is Paul and I'm a rank whore..."
(Group response) Hi, Paul....
Me: It all started when this guy made this really cool software that tracks your SEOmoz rank.
Sly-grr: You LIE, Rankwhore
And it kinda goes on from there.
Any way, thanks for building a fun tool. (There, that's one more rank point)
@webwordslinger, I love you to man...
This Rank Whore recovery thing is going to take some time....
Face it, you don't really care about recovering. You like it!
Oh sorry, I was looking in the mirror. Did I say that out loud?
Hey, Sly,
I think we're all raging rank whores.
Simple question: Has anyone NOT searched their own user name?
If so, I'd love to hear from you and how you achieved this state of selfless bliss.
I still think this Rankwhore's Anonymous thing has some potential. I swear, I won't check today.
Crazy! Motivation to get more active too.
How long did it take to do?
A few hours. Most of what the site uses was built for other sites I've created. Glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks for the tool! Its funny how this tool comes out and the daily SEO blog is is all about user interaction by adding competition... ironic
Wow. Rand, you are truly a marketing genius. :)
The most amusing part of this tool is seeing the people who have dropped a ton of mozpoints for the day, week, month. I just think "poor mozzer"
Now please don't de-thumb me!
I agree, I don't see them as "poor Mozzers" though, I see them as the people who dare to speak up and take a different look at things.
Greate work chenry. A suggestion I think it might bring even more fun:
Compare the evolution of two users on the same graph!
Great idea, I'll add it to my list.
Wow, it's so nice to see such an interesting website after two-weeks holiday.
Is it possible to select the date range?
The site is still collecting data and only have about 6 months of data. I'm planning on releasing some new changes soon.
I just added the ability to view up to 90 days of data!!
Seems pretty cool thanks for the work you've put in.
I'm curious, - and forgive me if this is a dumb question as I am still new at seomoz - how does one lose mozpoints?
If someone thumbs you down, or thumbs down your YOUmoz post, you lose one mozpoint.
(also its been rumored that Rand often steals other peoples mozpoints for the fun of it, but that's never been proven : ) j/k
Best to show by example.
That's terrible !
I like it - they (SEOmoz) should make more of the Moz points from a competitor point of view, which is exactly what you've done here. I was slightly disappointed (though far from surprised) to see a lack of my own profile on the site summary page.
Tell you what I'd like to see...
If you're displaying user data, maybeyou could scrape the user image,bio and links back to their own site? :-)
I thought of that a while back and havn't decieded on it yet. It would be a nice extra little link. I'll add it to my todo list.
Mozpoints.com now gives link love to members who have over 100 points much like SEOmoz.
What about a Sans Serif font for the website?
LOL! I thought I was the only one that kept checking my points at the very least every day, and usually at least 2 or 3 times!
So I think I'll be hanging out at your spanky new site a lot chenry. And if a 12 step meeting for RWA starts a chapter in my area, I'll seriously consider becoming a charter member.
Congrats for making it to the main SEOMoz blog! So what's the next step for this UGC crack? Maybe it can be applied to other sites that have a similar layout. Threadless might be interested. :)
Oh no another thing to start obsessing about :(
Will I every get any work done....
Nice tool :)
The first thing I thought when I saw mine was "oh my God, I have to start commenting more!"
That's not a great thing, is it?
Sure it is, as long as your comments are worthy.
The best example of 'knowing your audience' that I've seen in ages.
Interesting to go through and see who is being active in the community and what they have to say. This is a neat little tool, thanks.
That’s how this site really started for me. I wanted to know what users were actively using the site and there was no real way to know. Now it's nice to see who is out there reading and contributing.
I love it!
It's so... "ours". I mean, it will be our new "joint" of statistics :), apart of all the GAnalytics and Co.
Just WOW. I mean, I'm just saying is all...
O yeah, the graph looks awesome:
One day maybe SEOmoz will release analytics data on YOUmoz posts. That would be sweet!
This is the information age after all. (or was that the last age?)
make it open give us the data! lolz :)
An interesting tool, I just checked out my graph
With this tool, perhaps "Moz-stalking" will become the next big online trend?! :)
LOL now not only do I get to obsess at home over the achevement points for my xbox but now I get to obsess at work over my MozPoints! Awesome.
How about adding some info cross referencing thumbs downs received with the time of day that comments are made. I want to see when the best time to make the meaningless- single thumbs up earning- "great post, I liked what you said" type comments and not be afraid of someone giving me a thumbs down for all of my hard work!
On that note... Great post and Idea (i really do mean that).
Wow, I just found some comment spam by following through from info on mozpoints.com. That's cool. :)
I am not sure where anyone finds the time for "side projects" I need to either stay up later and drink more coffee, or you people need to sell me whatever drug is mainstream these days. I barely have time to read half the information I want to or do half of the things I need to. I guess I need to reread David Allen's book.
Nice side project by the way
Fantastic...but no backlink to my Mozzer profile from stats page ;)
There is a link back to your Mozzer profile at the top of the screen. If you click on your name in the top left center it links back to you MozProfile.
Sorry - I shouldn't have missed that!
I'm not a big fan of "great post" type comments, but I can't resist.
What you've done is pretty awesome.
Thanks chenry for taking the time to put this together! I love seeing the comments of people feeling like they need to participate more now because they can see their rankings easily. That is great!
I did want to give credit where credit's due because this is totally Casey's idea and did not come from us at SEOmoz to get people to participate (although that is an amazing outcome of this site and post!).
Even though I'm not in the rankings, it is fun to see what's going with the community and who's doing what. Again, thanks for this fun tool!
At least you're still accruing mozpoints. Look at Rebecca's points that became visible upon her departure from the staff rank. It put her in the #1 slot even above the mystery #2 (which although invisible, I'm gonna guess is the Rand man)
It's actually Sean Maguire, though he fell off the face of the earth.
Sean is still with us. Like Yoda (no, not small and green with funny ears).
He is one with the force (code for so darn busy he hasn't time to share with the padawans)
Like a wizard, in a far away place called "Texas"
Obviously, he has not succumbed to this "Rank Whore" nonsense.
So why is his a blank spot in the chart? Is there some kinda penalty issue one has to be wary of? This is an important question to those of us who are "RW's"
Not sayin' I'm one of 'em...
In this case it is more that he has achieved "Rank Haiku."
For the rest of us "RW's" I doubt you have to worry until you pass the magic 1247 moz point mark. After that,...
I mean look at chenry.... (scary) He could go at any time!
Even though this changes only once a day I check it more frequently than that. I'm addicted.
Good work. I would love to see the data from the start of my membership. The dash to 100 points would look quite funny ;)
I wonder if anyone has gotten to the point of starting to withhold thumbs up or even give thumbs down to get ahead in the race to be at the top of mozpoints.com
The Mozpoints system is great. I'm surprised more sites don't take advantage of game theory/virtual currency to encourage participation. Moving up the ranks and accumulating points is fun and addictive.
Just been checking out my graph too! This is a cool tool!
Wow! That is a great tool to track the moz points. It shows clearly the involvement of the members towards the community. I am already a person so crazy about mozpoints and I think it suits me a lot.
Thanks a lot.
I've started watching this and seeing how well I can drive thumbs up with my comments. One question, how can you see which comments I have made that drive thumbs down?
Wow- that's some really impressive stuff. Nice job man.
I am honored to be mentioned as a point gainer!
Awesome new tool! Thanks!
It's like a train wreck I can't stop watching. I just keep turning back and watching. As I was digging around other user profiles I'm surprised by how few of the members are still active when looking through old users.
This is great! Now I can see how much of a slouch I really am!
Thanks Chenry!
Holy! Nice work chenry! Did SEOmoz pay you to develop this? It's seriously going to help out with their UGC. This post ties in nicely with Lucy's recent post about Incentives For Online Marketing.
(Edit: I just noticed that the badge links to SEOmoz, and not to your mozpoints.com domain. Wow, SEOmoz must be thrilled that you have created this!)
One thing I noticed in the screenshot:
neopunisher has the most comments at 20, but he doesn't show up in the points gainers. If you get a moz-point for each comment, shouldn't he have gained at least 20 points over that period and show up in the Points Gainer column?
Is that a glitch, or did he also receive exactly 8 thumbs down? This would put him at 12 - not enough thumbs up to make the Points Gainers, but also not enough thumbs down to make the Points Losers.
Not a glitch in the system. While he did make the most comments that week he also received thumbs downs that week, which took him off the top gainers list. That’s why I think the system is interesting.
And no, no pay for me, just SEOMoz love. =)
em, there is no data for my account, do you know why? Maybe it is because I haven't be here for more than a month. Shhh
Your account has data, enter "young" in the search box and hit "Graph Me". You have only made two comments that's why you see little data. I've included the link to your profile below. Thanks!
Young's MozPoints
I somehow find it hilarious that chenry, the inventor of this awesome tool and badge, uses the other badge on his website instead of this one. (See https://www.gr-webdesigns.com/ and look on the lower right corner.)
: )
I use the badge from MozPoints.com which is almost the same as the orginal SEOMoz badge expect it displays your rank on it. Whats funny about it? =)
Nevermind you are right.
Earlier when I looked at it I could have knew I saw the old version (linking to seomoz.org instead of your mozpoints profile) but I must've been wrong.
Sorry! (it feels like a Monday today)
I like it a lot. Cool looking and professional.
I've only just seen this post & the tool. Great work - and I'm glad to see that your chart got a healthy uplift after you published this post!
It says I don't exist.
According to your avatar, you don't exist. ;)
Sorry BradleyT, there was a minor error with your name in the database. It's all fixed now.
It looks like it just goes off your profile ID in the URL.
That means you are:
Nice. I see that my points went up when I submitted a post.
I don't exist either :(
Although i know know already it's going to say something along the lines of "you haven't been near SEOmoz in weeks"!
Your profile is there you must enter your Username as it appears on SEOMoz, Sexteta, no sexteta. The reason for this is because there are some username that the only difference is the case, for example the user name of "laura". There are two different users a "laura" and a "Laura".
*Edit - I've updated the code so username's can be entered any way and if more than one is found it will alert you. So enter your name anyway you want.
I've linked to your profile below.
Sexteta's MozPoints
Ah, thank you. Yes i wasn't using a capital letter as is in my profile, did not realise it was case sensitive.
Thanks Chenry, excellent tool!
Hmmm... human beeings are really simple minded. All we need is some points and a graph to make it visible for us and we all will work a litle harder to post meaningfull statements and comments on this forum.
Clever mozguys...
... and some how it will make me work harder to post quality posts here. (to recieve pointe) And if everyone does the same this forum will be even more relevant to check every now and then.
Wish making peace and enough food for everyone would be that easy.
Looking forward to se you in London.
chenry, nice addition to the SEOMoz community, well done, very impressive!
Have to say it, SEOmoz knows what to and where to start"press button" i mean.
Excellent way to know each others status's..
Thanks for letting us know Mr. chenry. :)
Does anyone else find it funny that a post about tracking and getting points is getting so many comments (driving more points)?
how else would be see the graph move... write a youmoz post?
Do I get anything for these points or is it a nerd score thing?
Check out this post and see point # 7 :) Plus MozPoints make you super cool.
I strive to be "Super Cool".
Well you can stop striving. This tool has landed you square in the SEOmozzers hall of fame (located in Quincy, IN for any interested)which automatically gives you "super cool" immunity.
I could use coolness.
Chicks dig MozPoints. Ask anyone.
Maybe the 20 or so that work in the SEO/SEM business. All other chicks don't have a clue about MozPoints or the Moz. =)
Edit:New shirt idea: "Chicks dig my MozPoints!"
Dude! Thumbs down!
Ouch, I don't know of that many in the SEO/SEM business. I can only count about 20. Don't hate the player, hate the game. =)
I don't know exactly how many women there are in SEO, but even if it's only 20, I know this - you do NOT want to piss them off ;)
sorry... negative reaction to "All other chicks don't have a clue." whether it's true or not, it caused a knee jerk reaction. :)
I should edit that, "All other chicks don't have a clue about MozPoints."
this post almost breaks the template i think its 8 deep
how often does that happen?
aww it doesn't go any smaller
LOL! I saw that one coming. Good thing he's still got "super cool" immunity.
Nice one :)
cool one chenry!
thats awesome i actually want the badge now because it has my thumb score on it! how did you get the data? do you plan on releasing an api so others can play with it?
I am so proud of the fact that in the first image where it says I am a 1 point loser it seems I still moved up one spot in the rankings....so who ever player hated on me it didn't matter.
I guess I am going to have to be a more productive member of this website again instead of the occassional one joke posts.
Great link bait idea! You guys at SEOmoz really do know what you're doing. ;)
That's great Chenry. The only down-side of it is the user interface. it's really nice and simple, but could use a little bit of work. If the design was a little more sleek, it'd be that much better.
It's not really necessary though, but just a bit of a bonus :-).