Rarely have I been so inspired by a designer's website. In fact, maybe never... Dave Werner has put together one of the most impressive, detailed, extraordinary portfolios online today. He's only 25 years old, but his site is breathtaking. Don't miss it.

I thought I'd share some images, for those who aren't compelled to click over. Here's an illustration from Dave's about/contact page:

And these two images are from his most impressive work, an online, interactive book/video game called "Cadence of Seasons." I can barely wait to read it. If you only click on one link when you visit the site, make it that one.

I'm glad I'm not in Dave's field, because I'd hate to have to measure myself against his work, particularly at such a young age. The next time someone asks me if there's a use for Flash, I'm pointing to this site.