MarketLeap's Tools
Moz News
The author's views are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.
Three phenomenal tools from MarketLeap offer SEOs some great, all-in-one services. The link popularity check is straightforward, but the comparison piece and graphic interface are an excellent touch. The search engine saturation checker and keyword verification are nice additions, although the latter is more of a ranking tool than anything else, albeit a good one.
This tools are gone:
As of November 15, 2009 all free tools will be discontinued.
Tools are discoutniued so did this company namely marketleap. The domain has gone to some other email marketing company.
And the new thing here is that, since its 2012 now, and I tried to check the post analytics and it says "Yikes, looks like something went wrong. Please try again later."
Rand needs to write a post on how to make the old posts useful and live again... A bit of thinking and working can bring all these old posts back to life...
Are there any similar tools available?
This tools doesn´t work anymore.
This Tool is no longer working, In fact the site is discontinued....
The URL has been broken.
Yes, it has been. This post is ten years old, and per prior comments, the tool hasn't been available for five years now.