The Moz Links API
Our new Links API is 25x larger than our old index and updates daily.
How to Transition to Links API
Getting Started
Create your account, generate your credentials, and learn how to make your first call.
How often does Moz’s Link index update?
Daily! Moz crawls and indexes billions of pages, adding fresh link data every day. When discovered or lost links are found, we'll update our database to reflect those changes in your scores and link counts. We prioritize the links we crawl based on a machine learning algorithm to mimic Google's index. Each day DA and PA will be updated to reflect this new data. This does not mean that DA and PA will change every day; it'll only change if we find new links to a respective site.
The Anatomy of a Moz Links API call
Learn about Moz Links Endpoints
How does the new crawler index the web?
The new crawler is built on a machine-learning based model that is optimized to select pages like those that appear in our collection of Google SERPs. We feed the machine learning model with features of the URL like the backlink counts for the URL and the PLD (pay-level domains), features about the URL like its length and how many subdirectories it has, and features on the quality of the domains linking to the URL and PLD. So, it's not based on any one particular metric, but we're training the crawler to start with high-value links.
Here are some terrific ways people use Moz API data:
- Power your internal search engine marketing tools to optimize your domain, URL and link research for your business.
- Populate your critical internal reports with detailed, accurate information about how you and your competitors are performing on the web.
- Build your own commercial tools platform to help your customers with search engine marketing, social media, domaining, or any activity requiring detailed knowledge about the power of a page, domain or link on the web.
- Integrate our data into your web directory to provide more value to users and drive more traffic.
- Use the
endpoints to track the growth of a website over time. For example, you could create a tool that trends the growth of a blog or wiki over time. - Use the
endpoint to find out which keywords a domain uses most often. You can use this information to find similar, less competitive keywords, or determine whether the keywords really portray the desired image for the website. - Get statistics about competitors' domains. You can use the
endpoint to build relationship graphs and determine likely competitors.