Having content that goes viral can seem like the luck of the draw, but there are a number of steps you can take to improve your odds. In this week's Whiteboard Friday, we will show you a few things you can do to increase your chances of having that well crafted content spread through the internet like a wildfire. Thanks for watching and don't forget to leave your comments below.
Video Transcription
Howdy SEOmoz fans. Welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. This week we're talking about how to give your content a better chance of going viral, and from virality, what I really mean here is not just getting links, which are obviously very helpful from an SEO perspective, but getting social shares, getting mentions on other blogs, getting talked about, getting emailed around. The virality of content determines how successful that content is going to be in the broader Web, in the scheme of all things that are inbound, not just SEO, not just social, not just community stuff, but overall. There are a few things that you can do that will significantly help your efforts to earn that content virality. So let's talk about a few of them.
Number one, the right format or the right UI or UX, user experience. What I'm talking about here is a lot of people think that they can take the same way that they produce content normally, keep on doing that, and sometimes that works, especially if you have a very, very clean site, maybe it's in a blog format and it's got nice width. It's not too hampered by advertising and surrounded by that kind of stuff. But oftentimes you will see that content can perform better when it's in a separate type of format. So let's say you've got a traditional page layout that has content section here but a big header up here and a top ad and a bottom ad and a bunch of sidebar stuff. And maybe you think, "You know what? I'm actually going to clean that up to something that has branding but minimal branding, got a great headline, got the content right in there, and that's the focus of the page." So the users who come to it can easily, above the fold, find the content that they're looking for, that there's compelling visuals.
These visuals are particularly important because both Google+ and Facebook, if you do any sharing on either of those platforms, remember that they'll automatically insert an image from the post, and oftentimes the user can select which image. If you've got a couple compelling images that look great when scaled down, that look great when you're going to share them on Facebook or on Google+ or that somebody else who is going to copy those images and put them on their site, oh man, much, much more successful.
Even if you have literally just a piece of writing, if you can have some sort of a visual element that is compelling, that's interesting, that draws in the reader, that's relevant, you're going to do much, much better. Flickr Creative Commons is great for this. Drawing your own stuff is great for this. Charts and graphs are great for this. Even licensing out someone to do a tiny amount of work for a few hundred dollars around building a visual for you, taking some of the data or some of the insight that you've learned that you're putting into that content can be really helpful to help it go more viral.
Then doing things like, you know, you've got to have the design look and feel professional. It has to be modern and updated. Clean is very, very good for getting that sharing principle. You can see this happen all the time with content that's shared on major media websites, where it's the print friendly version that gets emailed around, that makes its way around Twitter and around Google+ and Facebook and goes on LinkedIn. It's almost always the one that people will link to in a Reddit or a Hacker News or on Stumble Upon. Print friendly versions, just make that the default for content that you want to have virality.
Then finally I'd also be looking at the title friendliness itself, and the URL actually matters a lot now too. So if you've got a pre-existing CMS, when you go to bit.ly or you to goo.gl or whatever your URL shortener is, you might want to try something like this, getting the customized one. So for example, you'll see that when I have content that I like to share a lot, I might say for example, "Oh, let's make this content say inbound startups, and that'll be my slide share presentation." So now you don't have to remember some long URL. It's just bit.ly/inboundstartups, and that will take you right to my presentation here, that URL functions. Customizing this portion of the shared URL can be very helpful if you can't control it. If you can though, go with something easy, simple, short, not too many parameters in there. This will also help you. I might even, for some things, recommend dropping the slash articles or the slash blog and going just with /catchy-subject, whatever that subject line is. You 're going to shrink down the title so that it's easily understandable so if somebody ever sees that URL or hovers on it, they think, "Oh, that sounds interesting. I should click that link. That might be cool."
Number two, great, fantastic way to make sure that your content is going to at least perform decently on the Web is to get buy-in from your influencers, the influencers in a community, before, not after, not during, but before you ever publish it. So I'll give you a great example. I got an email last Friday from a guy in the search world and he said, "Hey Rand, my company, we produce this big report. We've got this cool infographic, lots of interesting data about stuff that's happening in the world. Would you take a look at this? Tell me what you think. Do you think your community would like it?" And I wrote back and said, "Yeah, I really love this. I think it's excellent. I don't even have any changes. I think this is going to do great, and I'd be happy to share it." This person didn't specifically ask me for a share and I think that's why. What they asked me for was feedback.
That feedback, coming from people who have a powerful forum, 6,000 RSS readers, 500 people following them on Google+, you can find these people. You probably already know about them in your niche or your sphere, who they are, the key bloggers, the key Twitter accounts, the key Google+ accounts, the key people on LinkedIn, the people who run popular websites, the influencers. Then you can essentially draw them back to whatever it is that's your content in here, and they will be much more likely to share if you ping them about it beforehand. They'll also give you feedback like, "I don't really think this is going to play well," or "If you did this, it'd be very interesting, but I don't see what you've done as particularly unique or valuable. I probably wouldn't share it." Or no response at all. If you get lots of those, you know that you're not hitting it out of the park with this content. You're going to have to do something else, try something else. That's great to know before you hit that publish button.
There's a bunch of things you can get from them. So if you're thinking, boy, I just can't get these people to share what I'm producing. I don't know what I can do, get them involved in the actual content itself. So rather than you writing an opinion blog post saying I like this particular thing and that particular thing, you can instead go and gather. Hey, can I solicit your review and opinion on a subject, and then I'm going to gather that from several experts and publish that. I'm going to run a survey of you and 20 other people who are influencers in the field about particular things, about some data from your sites, your projects, your experiences, your businesses, whatever it is, or your opinions on this matter. I'm going to interview you or do some lessons learned stuff. I shared a great link last week that was a bunch of video interviews of entrepreneurs, and this type of stuff performs tremendously well because all of those people who are involved in the project, from an interviewee perspective, they are all going to share it after it's produced because you write back to them and you say, "Hey, the interview is now live. The data is now live. The review is now live."
You can request input from their communities. For example, when SEOmoz does the SEO Industry Survey every two years, we always ask, hey, would you share this with your community so that we can get the input of people who read Search Engine Land or Search Engine Watch or SEO Book or Search Engine Journal, a variety of these places. HubSpot, etc.
If you can't directly reach out, you can always mention these people. So if you, for example, gather things that they've tweeted, said on their own blogs, you're getting quotes from them, you're getting data they've shared, you're using numbers from them, anything like that, you can say, "Oh, by the way, we mentioned you or we're going to be mentioning you in an upcoming piece, would you like to take a look at it and review and let us know if it's appropriate or okay, if this is accurate?" That process of interacting in an authentic way, both to confirm that you do have accurate data and that you're doing the right thing with them, gives them a buy-in to, "Oh, I'm going to go check out this article. Huh, this is interesting. Yeah, this looks great, thanks very much." Or, "Oh I have this little bit of feedback for you." Then when you publish, you can say, "Hey, we hit publish. It's now live. Thanks again for reviewing. If you would share with your community, that'd be great. Here's the shortened link or here's a tweet you could retweet." This kind of stuff works phenomenally well. This process of getting that early buy-in ahead of time is so powerful, and it just makes sure that the content does much better than it normally would.
The third and final thing that I'm going to mention here - topic, timing, and seeding. So this is essentially the process of figuring out what works best in your community, and that's from a topical perspective. Copyblogger has a lot of good posts about how to write a compelling headline and what's going to be popular right now. But I would think about it this way. If it's being mentioned in the news, so for example if I go to, let's say this is Google Insights or Google Trends or the news timeline, and I see mentions it is at the steady state point but has a spike here, this is where I want to be writing about that topic. Or maybe right after, when there's usually that second bump of people having a discussion about it. If you can, you might even want to catch it here, before it goes hot, and then you'll have a chance to appear in things like Google News and you'll have a chance to be mentioned in all the articles that talk about that subject thereafter. This is great for anytime you have a timely or trending type of topic.
You also want to, in addition to all these influencers you talk to, there are likely a few people, these are your buddies, your friends, people you connect with on a regular basis, you're emailing with them, you follow each other on Twitter. Do them a favor. Start sharing some of their content. When they tweet things, retweet them. Build up those relationships. Almost all of you probably have a few of those already. Leverage those. Email them in person and say, "Kenny, I know you've got a small Twitter account. It'd be awesome if you could share this. If you ever need the same favor from me, just ask." Almost always, especially if those are close relationships, personal relationships, you've hung out in a bar before, you've bought each other dinner, you know each other well, you're going to get that. I think that's a great way to leverage the real world social network for online social networks. Obviously, you have to be careful not to abuse this. You want to be sharing stuff that these people would ordinarily want to share and be interested in.
Then finally timing stuff. I can tell you for B2B content, Saturday and Sunday are just straight out. However, the reverse is true for Facebook, where the most sharing and the most time spent on Facebook happens on the weekends. Now, not surprisingly, that's not B2B Facebooking. That's personal Facebooking. So it better be the kind of stuff that's going to play well with your mom and your grandma and your brother and that kind of stuff. B2B, Tuesday through Thursday. Don't do Monday. Don't do Friday. With the exception of, it appears that some of the best content or most successful tweeting happens on Friday morning, sort of Thursday night going into Friday morning. That's when people seem to be tweeting and retweeting a lot of stuff. This is from some research from Dan Zarrella over at HubSpot. You can look into that. The timing of social media, I believe, is his presentation.
So don't necessarily take my word for it. Test, test, test. If you're sharing content and producing content on a regular basis, you will figure out the right times to share, who you can start seeding things with, who's reliable and helps you get that content out there, what topics work well, what sorts of headlines work well for your audience. It's going to be different for everyone. So don't just trust these. But do test and observe and watch your click through rates, using something like a bit.ly, watching your analytics, seeing what works when you share things and how long it takes for them to go and what sources indicate. Sometimes you're going to share with this one guy and he's going to populate it to tons of places. One of my favorite features for this is Google+'s ripples, where you can actually see, it's almost like this. It'll actually show you a timeline of this person shared and then these 13 other people shared and 1 of them produced 10 more shares. That stuff is very powerful, and you can observe it on the regular Web, on the rest of the Web, across platforms if you're carefully watching analytics or your bit.ly click throughs.
So hopefully, using this methodology, you can produce some content that has higher chances, better odds of going viral. I wish you luck. I hope to see lots of great stuff out there on the Web. Take care. We'll see you again next week for another edition of Whiteboard Friday.
Great info.
I can't agree more with number 3; topic and timing. I have a website where I post a daily video about our son who was born with Down syndrome. A few weeks ago I wrote a post about Target using a model who was born with Down syndrome in one of its ads.
I published the post, left Starbucks, and noticed it had been liked several thousand times. I couldn't believe it. I'm going to be writing a YouMoz post on this in a few weeks, but long story short the post went viral. We were featured on local, national, and even international news, reporters from popular news outlets like Time magizine, NBC, ABC, and many more started calling (in fact we will be on HLN News later on today) to find out more about our story. It was (and still is) nuts.
I think there are a number of factors that went into why this post went viral, but as of today the post as over 21 thousand likes! I can track the numbers, and it's amazing how many times this page was shared across facebook, and how much traffic facebook sent to this post on my site (Our facebok page grew from around 1600 to now almost 12,000..in less then 3 weeks....and our engagment on the facebook page is also very good.)
People have asked how it happned...and to be honest it was mainly just topic. I wrote about a topic that was powerful to people, and must have hit a nerve, and it was shared. A lot.
It's odd is a few months before I wrote a blog post about Nordstrom also using a model with Down syndrome and it did well, but nothign like this. I've wondered why now. Why this post. And I think a big part is we have an active facebook page (a community) now. They value our content, and they share it.
I'm also sure there is a little bit of 'luck' mixed in here as well. :)
It's always awesome when your post goes viral, it's overwhelming in a way. On “luck” though, I very much believe there is a lot of luck involved. Yes good content, title and obviously a lot of sharing helps. But posting it at the right time is pretty hard to predict, so it’s comes down to luck – I’d say.
Don’t throw everything on luck. Social media is all about research, timing, observation, steadiness and more of them it needs lot of effort.
No its NOT luck. Anyone who produces viral content professionally, knows social media platforms can be manipulated e.g. The articles on Digg's home page are not there by luck.
True, but from a smaller blog perspective and not the masters of manipulation perspective there was some bit of luck that made it big. Obviously it wasn't only luck like winning the lottery. He still wrote a great post and told a great story, had a great message and headline, did everything he could and maybe just the right people saw it and it went big. He said he did the same thing for Nordstrom without the same success so there must've been some coincidence.
Even if you have all the data and perfect information, there is still a twinge of luck and serendipity that can make a story big.
Not every popular, viral story is created by a master SEO. Some things just strike the public consciousness and go nuclear. E.g. every cat photo ever taken.
Blieving in luck is the way down!!!
Timing and Trending is really important when we talk about a content that go viral. For a viral content one has to be at the right place at the right time. Before you actually push the publish button, one must know, if is it the trend for right now... and is it the right place, day, hour to share this news... is it the correct social network for my content to go viral....most of the time people ignore these questions that end up getting lesser eye balls and links.
Here is the great presentation about the science of timings from Hub spot that you might like https://www.slideshare.net/HubSpot/the-science-of-timing
The point is that you publish your story for real, you are involved… that's not fake. People feel that very well. All people in essence are good, and, they also want to be involved. This is your success formula. It does not matter when you publish your post: on Friday morning or late in Sunday.
Great point!
OMG, that little man of yours gets cuter every day!
You can think of your success as luck, but really that just means you managed to fluke the exact mix that was needed to send that post viral. Fluking it the first time is fine, but keeping track of your flukes is always smart. :)
I suspect the active community you had built certainly had a lot to do with getting your post started on its way around the globe, but it might also be a good idea to make a note in your diary about the day and time you published. Even if it's just to remember whether it was morning coffee or lunch... Actually, with such an awesome result I might even make sure I revisited Starbucks again for extra blogging fuel!
All jokes aside, your approach to your site is so pure, honest and comes from such a positive loving place, I think there's a fair chance you'll be having similar successes in the future. Keep doing what you're doing and you can't go wrong.
P.S. I'm hoping you might be planning a family trip to Mozcon in July. Don't tell Roger Mozbot, but I think I have a serious crush on Noah! :)
Ha,ha..thanks for your very kind words! :)
That's awesome! And your post about the Target ad was great. I think it touched really on a wider audience and the general call for a need for more diversity in advertising and how great it feels when it starts to happen. Sharing your close personal story in context of the bigger theme made it not just about Down syndrome people, but anyone who doesn't see themselves reflected back in advertising.
Thanks so much! By the way, if anyone is intrested, here's the link to the news show we'll be on (with Noah) talking about his story. It's 6:30 esp.
That's awesome! I saw you on the Nightly News with Brian Willams :)
Wow...cool. Thanks for sharing that with me! :)
Can I give 10 thumbs up?
To drill down to the title/URL for click through rates, in my own recent observations this has been a huge factor. I'd read some tips for getting a title to entise clicks, which are worth noting:
This to me is HUGE because I've seen the CTR make or break the success of a post. If you post something and it doesn't stick, re-do the title and repost it! With a poor title, even if an influencer shares your work, it still might not get the clicks.
The title for this post works in all three ways I think:
"How to increase the odds of your content going viral"
By the way, I always hover over the bitly URL to read what it says, and this almost 100% of the time makes or breaks a click for me.
PS - OH! and also, make sure when people click your social sharing buttons (facebook likes, twitter, etc) they display the title etc correctly.
You're totally right Dan.
And that why I spent a good time before deciding what title to use for my posts (I usually write definitive title when I finished to write the post), and that is why I try to learn the most I can from the best ads and news copywriters. And this explains why I tend to write titles likes: "Wake Up SEOs, the New Google Is Here" or "Dear Google, Why Do You Want Me to Hate You"
You are so right about the importance of the title. Most of us hastily write the title first and then the article. But it's worth writing the article first, and then thinking about what title would most suit it.
Great insights Dan and definitely a piece of the jigsaw I see where people fail with their Linkbait campaigns.
If you aren't a natural copy writer I really recommend that SEO's read some great Copy writing blogs and books or perhaps take some evening classes in Creative Writing.
It really helps!
I think it should be more like 10 thumbs up!
I totally agree with Rand (oh man, you told all my little secrets ;)) but I'd like to remark a couple of things and give you a personal example.
1st) Monitor constantly your social media environment.
It can be your followers base on twitter, the people you have in your circles in G+, whatsoever. In fact they represent a good "universe" in sociological terms of your targeted market.
If you perceive that a topic is getting trending between them, jump on it, create your viral and incept it with them, because they are already starting talking about it.
2nd) At the same time, pay big attention to those tweets which talks about something that nobody is talking about, but you know your target is really caring about. Then check if that tweet can lead you in creating a content, which may go viral. With the premise that you have always remember to cite your inspiration source, create your content and launch it.
As an example I can cite a post I wrote in the beginning of December in my blog, which was about how Adwords in Spain (and Italy) was using Seo centered search queries in order to advertise itself as a better tactic than Seo (the infamous: Forget Seo, do Adwords).
That post (that I admit was also written in 20 minutes in state of rage by me), was inspired by a tweet of @anilopez, a great Spanish Seo resident in Vancouver.
First I verified it, then, instead of simply retweeting it, I wrote a post and launched it advising before those influencers I knew pay big attention to this kind of topic.
What happened after is something that even surpassed my expectatives: the post received backlinks from all over the web, pushed Aaron Wall writing one of his most strongest posts vs Google on Seobook (with a link to mine) giving a turbo boost to the visibility of mine, was retweeted by practically all my followers (and many are known influencers) and some of them started pushing the post with great passion in the social sphere, created a big engagement in the post itself and caused that Matt Cutts entered in the discussion actively also sharing it in the Googleplex and practically working in order to stop that infamy (at least temporarily).
Results, apart the retirement of those ads:
Yet again another great WFB!!
We've been actively involved in a marketing campaign that I think ticks a lot of the boxes in Rand's discussion. This week I tested the differences on which tools to use to promote a new story of ours
I have attached a little snapshot image from our GA account that I wanted to share with the readers.
Approach 1 'Tall Slim Jim'
For us we could see that employing Social Media tools such as Twitter, G+ (with rich snippets, author tagging etc.) and Facebook that we clearly received an rapid increase in site visits (but over a short period of time) to the story a 'firework' came to mind. Note, for this activity is we asked our social influencers to help out and tweet the story, something Rand mentions, these guys you really need onboard.
We also identified that because of the story topic, which was about the World Health Organization. We had obtained a large volume of our traffic via our blog that we would not normally receive. I feel this was real-time traffic from Google, of people looking for the lates information on the WHO. We were ranked 2nd for a short period on Google.com for this organization's brand name viewed under the 'latest news in the last hour' option.
Did the blog with its RSS feed do the job? We saw companies such as The New York Times, NASA and The US Congressional Board come to read the story, great to see yes and gave us a real insight into the reach and power of the tools and techniques we had employed in the exercise. However could we sell our products to these types of organizations – unlikely. Did it go viral for a while? yeah I guess so 400 unique visits to the landing page in under an hour.
Did it constitute in us achieving goal objectives (downloads of our software) - No! not really but our primary keyword phrase rank went up 2 positions which have a 64% difficulty rate in the SEOMOZ keyword difficulty tool. It may however be the case the rank positions will come down rather quickly if it was caused by social signals picked up by Google. - TBC
Approach 2 'Fat Sam'
Then a couple of days later we opted to an run an email campaign on the same story to 10,000 names, looking at the diagram you will see that the traffic growth is lower but over a longer period of time. Did this constitute in us achieving our primary goals objectives? Yes it did, we achieved several downloads.
Overall it may be the case that both sets of activities increased our and support new ranks for our site but I think overall its worth considering which method is more suited for your marketing needs and goals.
Nice! Thanks David for sharing your story (I know, it sounds like a phrase from a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, but it is sincere :)).
No problem, I rarely get engaged in any forums and communties but for some reason feel compelled to get involved in SEOMOZ with what little way I can contribute to the good of this industry.
Great place to pick up ideas and tips don't you think!
Great video, as always!
I particularly enjoyed the second section, where you describe the process of pre-selling your content to gauge its virality. This is excellent advice, and as you mentioned, any responses you receive (or don't receive) will provide valuable feedback. With any research project, you're guaranteed to generate insights. Either you prove your assumptions, and all systems are go. Or you realize you missed something, and you need to go in a slightly different direction. The important thing is that you actually take the time to do the research and incorporate your findings... as opposed to blindly publishing your content and hoping for the best.
And in case anyone's curious, here are a few links to Dan Zarrella's work (the guy Rand mentioned in the third section):
The Science of Timing
The Top 10 @DanZarrella Posts of 2011
[Infographic] What are the Best Times to Blog?
‘Great WBF’ As Google started personalizing our search result Rand started to figure it out how to use this in marketing and brand promoting. If Google continues personalization then the only way is optimize our site for Google+ instead of Google. May be I am wrong but I am seeing our industry trends are very quickly moving towards social media. Next 5 years are the biggest challenge for every SEO/internet marketer (or whatever you called yourself) to shift your energy towards “SOCIAL”
Yes, I think so too. Especially because Google wants to involve people more into their social network Google +.
I totally agree with this. social Media is really the key so social Media share is going to be critical in getting things viral.
Great post. Knowing the atmosphere of the platform (#1) and readers is huge. I remember back when Oatmeal did a graphical representation of Digg and Reddit, illustrating the different 'community personalities' of each; that's still important, but with the advent and popularity of more (socially direct?) social sharing sites like Twitter and Facebook, influencers (#2) can, along with social clout, help properly place a content piece where it best fits.
I think most would be a bit hesitant or intimidated to approach influencers, so it's great to hear Rand giving the nod, but I would really hope people don't take that as an open invitation; successful sharing is similar to the SEO process; it takes time, dedication, and white-hat sentiments. Don't push your stuff on others; most are very savvy and can tell the difference between a sincere expression and those fueled by ulterior, commercial impetus. Ask, "Is this piece bettering and serving the online community?" If "yes" then it's likely to be championed.
Great reminder about timing (#3) too. As mentioned, B2B and B2C interactions are very different (especially regarding the weekends). B2Cs, are your SMO workers 'working' on the weekends? I think considering making weekend social moves is a good decision. Also, I notice a lot of respectable sources "retweeting" past pieces, whether it is to keep the conversation going or to better solidify a piece's social notice. Enjoy the weekend, Mozz community.
Super awesome WBF this week!
One thing that I wanted to talk about which wasn't mentioned in the video is having passion for what you're writing about. For your content to really make an impact in the social world it really needs to resonate with readers and your target audience. With so much medicore content out there (guilty of it myself in the past), its no wonder that all of us with much smaller audiences and reputations struggle to gain content virality. Inherently, we're not conveying that passion to our readers and folks don't relate to that as it doesn't create emotion nor does it empower them to share it with others.
Find the passion, follow Rand's tips, and let everything else take care of itself!
Thanks for the reminder that social media is, first and foremost, about building relationships. It's not about setting up 100 profiles and then blasting links at empty air.
I had a good reminder of that recently. I've been really getting into Fitocracy, a social fitness site that uses game mechanics to motivate. There's not much link value to be had, so it's not overrun with SEOs (no offense to my my own kind ;) ). Since the community is small, though, I'm talking to people - including both of the founders. I've even gotten to chat briefly with Leo Babauta from Zen Habits (whose blog you can't even comment on). Did I get instantly rich? No, but I'm building relationships, and relationships have incredible value.
Hi Rand! I really enjoyed your video and I think there could be useful suggestions, still i have a doubt: how much time do you need to take before using suggestion Number 2? I mean, if you still have to launch your own blog or your own website, is it possible that influencers will listen to what you've got to say? Do you have to publish some content before in order to let them know what do you do exactly? I would appreciate answers from anyone of SEOmoz community.
Carlo Davide
Another excellent WBF session Rand. As Social impacts more and more the SEO landscape, I would imagine the guys at Rockmelt might see a major spike in the # of users of their Social Media friendly Chrome based browser. I was a little amazed that a brief 10 page slideshow I posted up to SlideShare got 500+ views in less than an hour touching on the impact social is having on seo and why its becoming more useful to design, build and deploy a strong web 2.0 link wheel.
powerful and extremely helpful .. i love this WBF
Hell Rand,
I really like your this post Great Idea Rand really helpfull and always wait for friday for your discuss with white board.
Thanks, Now wait for next white board Friday (WBF)
Hi Rand, I really like the idea of submitting the content to the people you are writing about and getting input prior to publishing.
Great WBF Moz!I think it's a great idea to reach out the the industry leaders before posting blog articles and asking them for feedback!
Great tips Rand, thank you!
I agree with you that displaying data in an attractive way can assist in content going viral, I found many PLR infographics, custom infographics providers on fiverr.com. You can get a great custom infographic for only $5.00.
I really love this one. I am going to try some of your ideas in the coming weeks.
I did have a problem though, for some reason the video did not work for me after the first few minutes it would go black. I have tried to watch it for quite some time. Today I clicked on the little meter button and I was able to finally watch it, tiny as it was over there. I am such a visual person that without the video I got bored with the audio and quit watching. Anyway it was well worth the wait.
Thank you so much.
Hi TDoriot,
I dropped a quick tweet to the folks @wistia about your viewing problem:
@wistia any ideas that might help out TDoriot with this Whiteboard Friday problem @SEOmoz? mz.cm/IQjEI5
Big thank you to Jeff Vincent who was kind enough to help out with a response:
@jeffvincent @ShahMenz hmm, that's likely a Flash issue. I would reco reboot/Flash update (if possible)!
Hope that helps,
Rand your a freaking genius.
I absolutely love your idea of giving a company a heads up that we may be mentioning their name in a new post "would you like to take a look at it and lets us know if it is appropriate before we hit the publish button". Then once it is published, shoot them an email saying that "it is now live, if you would share the page with your community that would be great and here is a link to it."
Unbelievable little tip! Or should I say BIG TIP!
Another small tip is if you have multiple Twitter accounts for different demographics/locations, you can already start the ripple effect in the UK ahead of the US.
Example being our @NAMEUK shares the viral page with a scheduled tweet, and by the time the US wakes up, reads a fresh US only tweet and lands on our viral page, they see it has been shared by 100 people. By seeing the number of shares, they feel it is more authoritive, trustworthy and will be more likely to share because of social numerical indicators.
Great suggestions of WBF and it is a nice idea to know more about it. Yes it is true that content is the king for every website. But how can we widen up your market through your content.Yes it is through using of viral marketing like social media and video
In the end of the day content is king and if you make content which users are going to love and share then that is the end goal for Google. I know personally I have been testing a whole method of styles of writing too see which one works best it seems that when you make posts which are a bit on the naughty side.
Another great video, Thanks.,.. one good suggestion here, create one entire movie of all WBF videos, let's say 2011 WBF friday movie.. so we can download and revise all videos once, and I hope you get better rating on IMDB too :)
Well. Another one good WBF. The bottom line here is to have real relationships with people and it works. I personnaly use it for seo concerns and every time i send an email to an influenceur, i always mention how it is important for me to be "endorse" by him or her. As Rand suggested, just test & see, because sometimes it depends on the situation.
Does anybody know the link for the post about video interviews of entrepreneurs that Rand mentions sharing at 7:32 in this video? It sound interesting and I cant find it.
I'm guessing it's https://mixergy.com
Hi Rand, I think this was my first Whiteboard Friday. Really enjoyed and learned a some things. What had the most weight for me was the timing as far as B2B and Personal sharing as well as the timing associated with them. Anyway, I will be coming back.
I also had a quick question for Noah's Dad. You mention running a video series on your blog. How well has that worked for you? I have been tinkering with that idea for some time now but have yet to pull the trigger.
Great Whiteboard Friday Rand!
Nice to see some discussion of the things that CAN be done to increase the possibility of content going viral.
Way too many people seem content to go with the "there's no way to know" theory of virality.
While it does feel like there needs to be a little "magic" in the mix for true viral success, we all know when David Copperfield makes it look like natural and effortless magic, it's really the result of tireless and meticulous planning ;)
As usual, great WBF!
My favorite part is the second thing, “early buy-in ahead of time” by using social media. This is a fantastic idea and tactic. I would like only to restrict this tactic by the following conditions:
This video is not just for SEO's out there who want their content to go viral but it also addressess and is a motivation for everyone on the web to publish GOOD quality content.
Thanks Rand for this wonderful WBF. :)
Excellent insight into the best ways to help your content go viral. On a side note I think we now have conclusive proof (other than his excellent articles, keynotes and being the wizard of moz) that Rand is an SEO Ninja - first frame of this weeks video looks like he is about kung fu the camera lol!!
I don't think you could find a better SEO Ninja in all the land!
"great, fantastic way to make sure that your content is going to at least perform decently on the Web is to get buy-in from your influencers, the influencers in a community, before, not after, not during, but before you ever publish it."
short and genius!
before, not after, not during
As always, great WBF, I particularly enjoy the second step where you demonstrate how important it is to get a second opinion from your community before publishing your article. It’s a powerful tool to spread the word and get advice from your friends and community. Because of the fact that you involved them in a way, they will share it because they had an opinion on the content of article or added something. They will feel like it’s also their article because of their contribution. Thanks again – Awesome WBF
The concept of early Buy in is just so amazing. Patience is the key here and there is no absolutely no shortcut to success.
It’s always important to remember that there are some well experienced guys out there whose feedback really matters. There will be times when they might not reply, it’s not because they are arrogant but it’s just that they sometimes do not get time to reply to everyone.
Keep striving and as I always say hard work and great content always pays of (sometimes literally).
Thanks for the great post Rand.
- Sajeet
I enjoyed that - the info about getting key influencer interest before launch/publish has really got me thinking outside the square :) e.g. I'm going to try to get email addresses of fictional characters from their creators hehe
Would it be sneaky of me to build up some hype about a post I'm writing that reveals the cutest robot character of all time?
Great advice. I've done over 500 videos on YouTube and can never guess which ones will take off.
Utiiizing these tips will help. Thanks so much.
Interesting you just wrote this because I talked about this recently.
Thank you Rand. It was a brand new concept for me to involve opinion leaders in the posting of a blog article before publishing and by asking them how they like it. Very clever idea.
Leveraging your personal network is so important and I think most of us do it without realizing the importance of it. Right off that bat the best opinions and most shares your going to get are from your friends, co workers and followers. Another great Writeboard Friday.
GREAT WBF! When I saw the title I was SO excited because I am currently working on a piece. After I watched the video, I was even more excited. I think another good strategy is patience. I know I'm really excited about my piece and am excited to publish it but I also know that's not the wisest decision. I need to get feedback, edit it several times, etc. Patience is important as I've learned through my english papers in college. Thanks!
Rand, thanks for this really great Whiteboard Friday. This video was very enlightening for a new SEO. Great points about getting the right content to the right people at the best time. Very much appreciated, and this was one of my favorites so far! Keep up the great work. - Lance
Thanks Rand.
Of course with SEO everythign is relative, you note the importance of URLs (totally agree) and we know a 301 strips a bit of wieght off a link so the question is ... if you *have* to have a long URL (ex https://www.domain.com/blog/articles/seo/loving-rands-whiteboards/) would it be better to use a 301 from a tighter URL (ex https://www.domain.com/rands-whiteboards/) and 301 it over?
Basically - in your opinion would the added sharability outweight the loss of weighting from using the 301?
Thanks !
Rand, I check the news on SEOmoz every morning I come to work.
Points 2 and 3 in today's whiteboard Friday are TERRIFIC. I am already doing it, but you know, you really bring it to the next level.
Communication and social connections is everything. It may seem having a very small effect but over time you gain people who will gladly share your stuff or somehow participate in what you are doing.
Another thing I would like to stress is "don't think what they can give to you, think about what you can give to them".
"don't think what they can give to you, think about what you can give to them".
(aka the JFK SEO philosophy... I like it).
yes, these are his words. I just implement them to social media and to my every day work. ;)
Also, remember Dale Carnegie's quote? "I often went fishing up in Maine during the summer. Personally I am very fond of strawberries and cream, but I have found that for some strange reason, fish prefer worms. So when I went fishing, I didn’t think about what I wanted. I thought about what they wanted. I didn't bait the hook with strawberries and cream. Rather, I dangled a worm or grasshopper in front of the fish and said: "Wouldn't you like to have that?" Why not use the same common sense when fishing for people?" ;))
Greetings Champion!
Wonderful post good sir, very informative!
Justin Smith
OK - so - I will never (or maybe never) create anything close to what might be considered "viral" first because to me "viral' is a negative state to be in as opposed to a positive state of being to be striving for - what does that mean - well virus is something that - well it just is not something that I want to have around - it is annoying - makes me feel uncomfortable and well let's just say just plain uncomfortable - so because it is all of these things and on top of this - just plain -- well - so complicated to make happen - especially going by what is being presented here in this video - I will most probably remain healthy most of the rest of my life - unless of course I catch something accidentally and well then I will of course take the appropriate meds to of course try and eradicate whatever it is that I have caught - just to get back and healthy and for me comfortable state of being - this would be so much more desirable - as for testing - well I left that behind in school such a long long long long long - - and even longer than that time ago -