Contest Update - Link to Wolf-Howl

That contest I was just mentioning... I've got a personal request. Let's all link the term "v7ndotcom elursrebmem" over to Michael Gray's Wolf-Howl website. Why?

Rather than win the money myself I would like to donate this money to St Jude's Center for Children to help Children with Cancer. So if you would like to help St. Jude's win any money please copy the link below and post it to your blog or website:

<a href='' >The v7ndotcom elursrebmem information</a><br>How you can help kids with cancer.

In addition, you can help out by digging the story here and tagging it at I'm really glad someone took this angle. I'll see about getting a few more web properties of ours to link to Michael. I see no reason to link anywhere else.