Anyway, recently I interviewed Chris about his company, 10e20, viral marketing tips, and desert island must-haves. Hopefully you enjoy this little Monday afternoon interview.
Chris Winfield (center) with (l-r) Jon Kelly, Neil Patel, and Jeremy Schoemaker rockin' out to the Backstreet Boys (photo courtesy of Liana Evans from Search Marketing Gurus)
1. Tell us a little about 10e20 and your role there (how many employees you've got, how long you've been around, what sort of work you do, etc).
10e20 was started in 2002 by my wife (Danielle) and I. We’re an Internet marketing company that specializes in search and social media marketing. Our office is in Manhattan but the majority of the 13 people in our company work from home. We had people doing insane commutes and found that we were just as (actually more) productive working virtually.
I guess what we do can be explained really simply – we get qualified traffic to people’s websites and increase their sales. That’s the goal and the mission with anything to us.
2. How did you get involved in the SEO/SEM industry?
My first (and only) job out of school was with a start-up web design company that was started by a few guys with a bunch of money and no technical backgrounds. This was towards the end of the dotcom bubble and when the original Razorfish was worth like $4 billion. They saw that and they wanted in. They would build these massively expensive sites and just not even think about how to get the clients any sales. After being with them for awhile and seeing everything not to do, Danielle and I left the company. At that time I really didn’t want to do much with any of that.
Then a friend of our family came to me and asked me to help him get more artists into his recording studio that was down on the Lower East Side. I told him I’d help and one of the first things we did was build him a website, but I wanted to be sure it was going to do something for him. So I started learning everything I could about SEO. I think I read everything that Danny ever wrote on Search Engine Watch and just started trying out all kinds of different things. All of a sudden this guy was ranking at the top of the search engine for every ‘recording studio’ related term out there. This little, tiny recording studio was getting hammered with requests and getting booked like crazy. It got to the point where the guy first asked me to remove the phone number from the website. Then he had me take the address off (because people were just stopping by randomly). He was an engineer – he didn’t really want to have to work so much. So basically my work for them was done and then there were lots of people asking for help.
From there we started 10e20 as a web development company with a strong focus on organic SEO. My wife Danielle was working with Ralph Lauren at the time and she would help me like crazy during the day and after work.
3. What is something you love and hate about the SEO industry?
It sounds corny but I love the people. It’s a really accessible industry. Most people really do want to work together and will help you. It doesn’t matter who you are.
I hate a lot of the bullshit that goes on. Just like there are a lot of people who want to help you, it seems that there are also people who like drama, controversy, and hurting people. It’s unfortunate because people could be so much more productive without all that.
4. You're speaking at SES San Jose about "Igniting Viral Campaigns." How much viral marketing do you do at 10e20?
A lot. Personally, that’s the majority of what I do each and everyday.
5. What is the biggest misconception people have about viral marketing?
That it’s all about links.
6. What is the hardest thing about viral/social media marketing?
The time commitment. You really have to understand what your goals & objectives are and then know the social communities & how they operate. But that’s only the beginning. You have to have something special to get people excited about your company. So you have to come up with great ideas and produce great content or else it won’t matter. All of this takes time. Lots of it…
7. Can you share a couple secrets to succeeding at viral marketing/link bait/SMM?
Understand what people want and how your company can play a role in that. What is going to get someone to link to your article/tool/video? What is going to get someone to IM their friend about your content? Why should they? You have to be able to answer that question.
Understand what communities and networks are right for you. Which ones are going to help spread your message the most effectively? Where are your customers? Once you know which ones are right for you, start participating in them. Know the sub-culture that goes on there. Learn about what they want.
One other important thing is don’t dismiss the ‘old school’ stuff. For example, forums are some of the most effective places to really get something to spread virally, but a lot of people dismiss them because they aren’t sexy. If you’ve ever had something go truly viral, take a look at your logs and see how much traffic comes from forums.
8. Obviously not all of us are as charismatic and comfortable in front of an audience as you are. What are some tips you can give to new speakers/presenters in a conference series?
Know your stuff. I try to only speak on panels that cover things I am really comfortable with. Personally, I don’t do enough SEO anymore so I never pitch to speak on SEO panels unless it’s combined with social media marketing.
9. What is one piece of advice you can give to someone who has just started out in the SEO world?
Network with other SEOs you respect. It shouldn’t just be someone you think is cool or a good writer – it should be people that can help you and vice-versa.
10. Do you have any super awesome top-secret projects or ventures in the works? Where would you like to see your company and your career be at in the next few years?
Answer to the first part: yes but they wouldn’t be super awesome top-secret anymore if I told you. ;) I’d like to see us continue to grow on the social media marketing side and be known as one of the premier companies in the space. I’d also like to see continued growth on the tracking side and something we can offer around that so other companies can take advantage of it too.
11. What are some of your hobbies when you're not living and breathing search?
Oh you mean people actually have a life outside of search? In all seriousness though, I love to workout, ride my mountain bike, go out to dinner with my wife, BBQ at home, and just hang out with family & friends.
12. How the hell did you manage to land the best-looking wife, the cutest dog, and the best hair in this industry?
Luck. Luck & research. Genetics and this stuff called ‘Dirt’.
(Seriously, here's photographic proof that he has both an adorable wife and dog:)
Chris and his impossibly cute wife and business partner, Danielle (photo courtesy of Liana Evans)
Charlie Winfield: so cute he'll melt your face off if you stare directly at him, just like the Ark of the Covenant (photo stolen from Chris's Facebook profile)
13. If you were stuck on a desert island with one DVD, one meal, one CD, and one website, what would they be?
The Office (British version – Ricky Gervais is a god). NY Strip with lobster tails & mashed potatoes. DJ Shadow’s ‘Endtroducing.’ Twitter – at least then I could keep in touch with people…
Chris is one of the friendliest guys I have met out there, very nice to hear from him.
My favorite answer....
5. What is the biggest misconception people have about viral marketing? That it’s all about links.
That is actually my mantra (that is is not all about links). I love to hear someone else say it :)
Nicely done Rebecca, great idea.
Chris is definitely someone to know about, when he is presenting somewhere you should check him out.
I think they need to put that dog back into the dryer just a liiiiitle longer.
Chris is awesome, he is amazing, such a good dude, wow, anytime i need anything he is there, just a tweet away, always answers all his all emails, helps old ladies across the street, always leaves his pennies in that little tray at the convenience stores for others and he won't think twice about giving you the first bite of his sandwich. Just an all around great guy.
PS I don't really know him, just didn't want to go against the grain with this comment.
Good interview BTW, and that dog looks rad.
Chris is truly a scholar & a gent as he proved by helping me out with my music obsession yesterday (he also obviously has pretty good taste in music himself). He also knows his stuff and I'd agree with Pat that one of the most important quotes in this interview is the one where he states that viral marketing isn't just about links.
I'd go further - viral marketing isn't about links at all. Viral marketing is about getting a piece of content to spread around relevant interest groups and (ususally) to generate brand engagement. Links are a lovely by-product of this sort of marketing, nothing else.
People who agree with me rock!
I just submitted a Youmoz entry on the whole links thing. Should be up in the American morning I hope.
Chris, you say
"I’d like to see us continue to grow on the social media marketing side and be known as one of the premier companies in the space."
I hate to break it to you, but you've already achieved goal #2, so you'd better find a new one :)
Great interview, Rebecca!
I've been fortunate to meet and talk with Chris online and offline and have learned a lot from those conversations. The fact that social media marketing is so user-friendly gives it the illusion that it is both easy and effortless - which is far from the truth. It can be challenging trying to figure things out and it's great to be able to meet, network and share with those who have demonstrated success. Lots of good insight here to think about.
Good interview - Chris is one of those guys who asks what he can do to help you out *and means it*. I think that's one of his real secrets of success.
Adding a picture of his dog to this article is very effective viral marketing. Vicky in our office (an avid dog lover) walked past my desk as i had the picture on my screen and insisted i forward her the link to this piece. She then forwarded it on to all her mates....OK, dog-owners were not exactly the audience you were going for but it all helps.
I found reading this arictle very encouraging after reading Chris Winfield came from having "no technical background" - but a healthy desire to learn.
Would love to meet some of these people someday.
Nice Interview Rebecca.
There's lot's of good things to say about Chris. He takes great efforts to see others do well, and he's gained my respect for that. Tough to beat his philosphy of helping friends get to the top.
hi nice article
Nice Interview of Chris, Rebecca. I couldn't agree with Michael more....
As always Chris finds a way to keep amazing me every time i hear from him, whether it is in a blog post, conversation, or through an interview like this. You've got my vote Chris! ;)
Rebecca - thanks a lot for putting together a great interview. As always you managed to make it fun while sticking to the core (that's a talent for sure :).
To everyone who commented above - thanks a lot for the really kind words. It definitely means a lot.
I hope to see a bunch of you at SES and if there is anything you would like to see me cover in my session - please feel free to email me your thoughts to cwinfield [at] and I'll try to work them in.
Chris is the man. I have learned so much from watchin him and his company and getting to know him.
Great Interview.
I like this the most. SEO community is one of the liveliest out there. I have rarely seen people sharing their professional secrets so open, sometimes even at the cost of their reputation (in case of black hat techniques).
I think part of it can be attributed to the link analysis based search engines. To get links you must be popular. To be popular you must share.
Thanks for the interview. I have been struggling to understand how social media marketing applies to me and the interview and links helped move me a few steps closer to seeing how it might work for my websites.
"we get qualified traffic to people’s websites and increase their sales."
That says it all. Plus - I loved the dog!
Okay I don't know Chris yet, but anybody with hair as great as mine and he loves dogs... well I can't wait to share pictures of my puppy with him.
And, I look forward to working with him too.
I enjoyed the interview. Chris's advice or ideas are simple, but very good. I hope that his speech is posted here.
Rebecca - thanks a lot for submitted a really useful interview of Real SEO & Social media marketing Expert Person.he has achieved very good grades in their life and website marketing career.
I am trying to learn some techniaues and get the ideas about chris profile and From his website which Chris has used in social media marketing.
appreciated it.
A real leader in our field - good to see him getting credit where credit is due. Good interview, as well.
Interesting couple. Like the part about his workers mostly working from home.
Rebecca, great interview.
My takeaway...
"...and just started trying out all kinds of different things." There is huge value in trying different things. It avoids the analysis of planning on trying different things. Try. An iterative process.
Cool interview, adorable dog.
Chris always seems to me like one of the few 100% genuine and nice people working in SEM right now, and manages to be really smart as well.
Best takeaway from the interview? "It's not all about links."
Nice interview Rebecca...thank you for providing a platform to showcase one of the most approachable and genuine marketers in the game today.
Mike B.
Nice Interview Rebecca -(made me want to check out his website and findout more about Chris and his business....which I did)
"It's not all about the links" - For a newbie/eager to learn SEO guy, this has really got me thinking!!
This was a good interview. Chris is a cool guy with an impressive knowledge of social media, PR, marketing, etc.