I just browsed through the new members stats at cre8asite and found that almost 40 people have joined the site today. It's a remarkable thing and something that brings a real smile to my face. Kim Krause, who's run the site for years, deserves to have success and with their upcoming move to a new forum format (I've seen screens, they're pretty sweet), it couldn't have come at a better time... Well, OK, it would be nice if the new forum system was up and running first, but events made that impossible.
Cre8asite is more than an SEO forum, their sections on usability, design, coding, blogs and the popular website hospital are all fantastic resources. Everytime I see a new member post I think fondly of how lucky they are to have stumbled across an environment that provides the equivalent of tens of thousands of dollars in free website optmization consulting for free.
Congrats to Kim and the whoel Cre8asite team. I hope the new members server to make the forum an even better place to be. I'm just happy I don't have to split my time anymore.
I appreciate the warm word and positive feedback for the forums, Rand. But I can't take much credit, truly. It's a community of people in the industry, some of whom donate a great deal of time to the forums in one capacity or another. Successes are a group effort.
I will take a look at the forum. Ain't messin with ya neither. :)
SEO_AM - Are you messing with me? Don't you know I've already had a long day? :)
I want to learn SEO. Is this a good place?
Eager to be involved and to learn. I'll probably cruise quietly at first. Thanks for the suggestion rand.