While browsing through my favourite websites this morning, I happened across a very good (or, very bad) example of a careless editing turning into an embarrassment for a credible organization. Swimming World Magazine is usually very good at posting interesting stories about the aquatic world; however, the introduction to this morning's top story was cut off at a very unfortunate place.
Swimming World Magazine's blunder of the day.

Only the site's Premium Members (i.e. those who have paid thirty U.S. dollars for the privilege) can click through to find out that the girl in question is actually a bright future star in the women's breaststroke events, not breasts. However, because most of the site's articles are viewable without the premium membership, this editorial gaff is the only information available to the majority of readers.

The morals of the story are obvious, but if a website with Swimming World's experience can make a mistake like this, anyone can. Writing special introductions to articles is far safer than just using the first few sentences, cut off after a number of characters or words. Remember that innocent words can be very funny or misleading if taken out of context or cut in an unfortunate way, and always view your content one more time, even when you think you're done with it.

Later in the morning, Swimming World Magazine corrected this error by rewording the offending sentence, but undoubtedly not before thousands of swimming fans (and perhaps an embarrassed Caitlin Leverenz herself) viewed the post. Or before amused parties managed to click Ctrl+Print Screen!